Chapter Eleven - Week Three Of Observations

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Chapter Eleven – Week Three Of Observations

Bella's POV

“This is driving me crazy,” I though. I didn't understand what one of the most crucial thing I'm missing from my list could be, I need to figure it out because it was extremely important to me. Jasper whispered something into Alice's ear and she turned to me to ask, “Why do you look so frustrated, Bella?” I replied, “You know damn well why I'm so frustrated.” I looked out the window when I heard a crack of thunder, strange things keep happening when my emotions changed abruptly. I tried to calm myself down and said softly, “I'm having trouble figuring that one thing out, I need a hint and then I might be able to figure it out.” Emmett commented, “I have no clue what the two of you are talking about.” I stated with a sneer, “And that's the way it's going to stay.” Then I looked between Edward and Alice, he was staring at her and wondered what she had going on in her mind because I currently had a mental shield wrapped around her.

All of a sudden Edward said in a strange husky voice, “The young woman with the shield is going to make me lose my patience with her, I can't stand it when Alice thoughts are being protected from me.” He had spoken like he was from the early nineteen hundreds, which made me realize I just had figured out that crucial thing I was missing and I couldn't be any happier. Alice left out a frustrated sigh because she thought I didn't figure it out, so I said, “Don't worry Alice, I figured it out.” Edward's eyes snapped to my face and asked, “What did you figure out, Bella?” I stated, “It's none of your business, Edward.” He narrow his eyes at me and commanded, “Tell me, Bella.” I replied, “No.” He groaned in frustration and stated, “Tell me now or else.” I growled at him before gathering up my things and leaving the table, “Go to hell, Edward.”

Once I exited the cafeteria I headed into the woods and sat down in the same place I sat last week, I needed some peace for awhile to calm myself down. I could faintly hear the sound of someone approaching me, so I sat up and faced the direction of where the sound of footsteps were coming from. Alice appeared in front of me and asked, “Why couldn't you just tell him?” I responded, “I don't want him to know yet, he'll find out when I show him the list tomorrow.” Alice let out a sigh before she asked, “Did you really have to tell Edward to go to hell, Bella?” I replied ashamed, “No, I really hate myself for saying that to him.” Alice said, “Well, give him a kiss and apologize when you go to biology, you know he would like that.” I commented, “I know he would, it probably would make him lustful too.” Alice just smiled and disappeared without a trace, she was one fast pixie and she knew it too. I gathered my things and headed towards the biology room, I wanted to get back to Edward to tell him and show him how sorry I was.

When I entered the classroom Edward was sitting at our table looking depressed, I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He looked up at me and I said, “I'm sorry Edward, I didn't really mean to say that to you.” Then I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him passionately, which caused Edward to become lustful instantly. Edward grabbed me lustfully by the waist and pulled me tighter against him, I definitely could feel his obvious arousal against me. My own thoughts weren't helping me at all, all I wanted to do was have my way with him more than anything else right know. I knew if we didn't stop soon Edward would only get more lustful, I had a little more self-control then Edward or so I thought. Edward quickly placed me on top of the table and jumped on top of the table, he hovered over me and began kissing me full of passion and lust. I felt his member brush against my leg vigorously, I clung onto him for dear life as he continued to kiss me heatedly.

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