Chapter Five - Is There Any Hope?

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Chapter Five – Is There Any Hope?

Edward's POV

It's currently Monday night and I'm watching Bella as sleeps peacefully, I don't how she can when she knows Alice hasn't seen a change in her future. The decision was basically up to me; I would either save my mate's life and risk her finding out our secret or she would die. Carlisle has given me permission to save her because she's my mate, but I still feel like I would be portraying the family if I saved her from her fate.

Bella suddenly stirred in her sleep and mumbled my name under her breath, my eyes quickly snapped to her face to see she was still asleep. Bella had already become my reason for living, I don't how I would handle losing her if she died tomorrow. I almost lost her in Phoenix, I don't feel any remorse for killing those sadistic bastards because of what they did to her. Seeing her severely beaten body through her mother's eyes had enraged me, I had lost every ounce of control when I saw how badly they hurt my beautiful mate.

I quickly glanced at Bella's dresser and noticed there were quite a few pictures of her, I swiftly stood up from the rocking chair and approached her dresser. I picked one up and hoped she didn't notice that it was missing in the morning, then tucked it away in my pocket. I approached Bella without making a sound and placed a kiss on her forehead, before making my way towards her window. I took one last lingering look at her and disappeared through her window, I head home as quickly as possible.

Alice was standing on the front porch with her arms crossed over her chest, when I arrived back at the house. I warned her, “Don't you say a single word, I won't stand for it.” She let out a loud huff before going for a run in the woods, she was very upset with me because I wouldn't make the right decision. I headed to my room and avoid my family who were staring daggers into the back of my head because I wouldn't save mate, Rosalie wasn't mad at me at all though.

Bella's POV

I woke up Tuesday morning feeling depressed because today was the day I was suppose to die. I quickly headed to the bathroom to take a shower, then I headed back to my room to get dressed. I put on the exactly same clothes I saw in Alice's vision, I just wish things would end differently. I wished I would of told Edward I loved him, but it's too late to say that now. I almost left my bedroom when I noticed that one of my pictures was missing, it had been a picture of me. I instantly knew Edward had taken it, he would of wanted it to remember me by.

I headed down the stairs and noticed it was already twenty minutes after seven o'clock, I had a small bowl of corn flakes and a glass of orange juice. I didn't even really understand why I was eating breakfast, I was going to die today anyway. Edward and his siblings were already in my mind reading zone, they were almost at school. Edward's emotions were making Jasper very depressed, he knew the reason why too. Alice was just plain pissed off at Edward for some reason, but didn't have a single clue why. Rosalie was happy as can be as Edward glared at her, I wondered if she was that way because she knew I was going to die. Emmett was pissed off at Edward too, I didn't understand why both Alice and Emmett would be mad at Edward.

I finished my breakfast ten minutes later and washed the bowl in the sink, then rinsed it off and placed it in the drying rack to dry. I headed up to my room to grab my purse and cell-phone, which I put in my pocket. I headed down the stairs again and grabbed the keys off the hook, then grabbed my backpack before leaving the house. After that I locked the door and headed towards my truck, I slipped and hit my behind on the ground; I didn't know there was ice under the damn snow. I made my way cautiously to my truck and hopped inside, after I buckled my seat-belt I turned my red truck on and backed out of the driveway. I slowly made my way towards the school because of the road conditions, the road had a thin layer of ice on it.

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