Chapter Six - Where The Heck is Edward?

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Chapter Six – Where The Heck is Edward?

Bella's POV

The next morning I woke up in a better mood, mostly because Edward had saved my life for the second time yesterday and I just couldn't stay mad at him. I took a quick shower as always and got dressed in some warm clothes, before going into the kitchen to have my breakfast. I blocked other people's thoughts from my mind because I only wanted to hear my own for once, I wanted to think about my Edward who clearly wasn't human at all.

After I finished my breakfast I checked the time and realized I needed to hurry up, so I wouldn't be late for class. I quickly retrieved my purse and cell-phone from my bedroom and headed down the stairs again, then I grabbed my keys and my backpack before heading out to my truck. Once I was inside my truck I checked the time again, I had eleven minutes to get to English. I started my truck and slowly back out of the driveway, then I started speeding towards Forks High School.

I pulled into the school parking lot four minutes later, I parked in the back and quickly got out. I was more than happy that the snow and ice melted yesterday afternoon, otherwise I wouldn't have pushed my truck to go that fast to make it on time for my first class. As I made my way towards the school I noticed that Edward's Volvo wasn't in the parking lot, but I could hear his sibling's thoughts loud and clear. I couldn't keep myself from wondering where Edward was, if he was going to be late for school or he wasn't going to show up at all.

I took my seat in English just as the bell rang and was on the other side of Emmett, but I ignore them and just focused on taking notes the whole hour. Rosalie made snide comments about me in her mind, she knew I could hear her too. I felt like threatening her I would shove some human food down her throat, but I contained my anger as best as I could. I knew for a fact Rosalie wouldn't of thought those things if Edward was around, he might of threatened her or something worse. I wasn't going to ask either of them where Edward was, I knew the only person I would be able to get a truthful answer from was Alice unless the others let something slip in their minds.

After the bell rang fifty minutes later I hastily made my way out of the classroom, I wanted to get away from that annoying Rosalie and her spiteful comments. All I could think about was where the heck is Edward, I wanted to be near him even-though he acted like an arrogant jerk to me yesterday. Every class I had before lunch seemed to go by so slow, I hated that my day seemed to drag on because my Edward wasn't here. It felt weird for me to think about Edward as mine, but it felt right and natural at the same time....

When lunch time came around I saw the Cullen's at their usual table, but Edward was nowhere to be seen. I sat my tray down between Angela and Jessica and said, “I'll be back in a minute.” I walked up to the Cullen's and asked, “Where the heck is Edward?” Rosalie said, “None of your damn business.” I growled at her, “I was talking to Alice, so keep quiet Rosalie.” Alice said, “Edward's sick, so he stayed home today.” I could tell she was lying and said, “That's a bunch of crap and you know it.” I crossed my arms over my chest and command like Edward, “Tell me, now.” Emmett chanted in his head, “Not a chance. Not a chance. Not a chance. Not a...” I snarled at him, “If you continue chanting that in your head, I'm going to stuff some human food down your throat.” I grinned in satisfaction when he had a disgusted look on his face, I knew all of them hated human food.

Alice thought, “Calm down Bella, I'll come to your house after school and tell you. I can't do it in front of the others, okay.” I nodded my head to signal I heard her, then said, “Fine, don't tell me. I don't care after the way he acted towards me anyway.” I stormed away from the table and kept myself feeling angry, so Jasper wouldn't know something was up. When I sat down next to Jessica she looked at me like I was deranged or something, I just ignored the look she gave and started eating my lunch.

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