Chapter Eighteen - Shopping Trip And The Warning

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Chapter Eighteen - Shopping Trip And The Warning

Bella's POV

Alice was jumping with joy just thinking about the shopping trip we were taking to Seattle tomorrow, I regretted making that excuse the moment it came out of my mouth. We were suppose to go around the time of the school dance, but after what happened around that time we completely forgot about the shopping trip. Edward asked me, "Are you regretting ever using the shopping trip as an excuse?" I just rolled my eyes and said, "You know the answer to that, smart-ass." He smirked at me and then said, "You know you love me." I replied with a grin of my own, "Maybe." He narrowed his eyes at me and stated, "I'm going to get you for that later." I asked him, "Am I going to enjoy that?" He rolled his eyes as he told me, "You have a dirty mind."I stated, "Well, when my mind is in the gutter I'm only thinking about you."

Edward kissed me passionately a second later, he just loved what I told him and it made him a little lustful towards me. I just knew how to invoke Edward to be this way, if I said the right words I could get him full of desire and love for me. When he pulled away he said, "I love you, I'll always want you." I told him, "You better keep that promise of always wanting me, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life." He pressed a quick kiss to my lips and said, "I'll never break that promise, I love you Bella." I said with a smile, "I love you too, Edward." We kissed again and this time we french kissed each other, we were lucky we weren't in class because we would of gotten in trouble for showing this much affection towards each other.

When the bell rang we headed to biology hand in hand, the whole student body knew Edward and I were a couple due to Jessica spreading the word around. I loved thinking of Edward as my boyfriend, he just meant the world to me and I couldn't bare to live without him. I was glad he finally stopped trying to break up with me, it absolutely drove me crazy when he had tried the second time. The first time I just slapped him across the face and that hurt a lot, but I loved Alice's idea of driving me to the hospital in his car to leave my scent behind to drive him nuts.

Edward suddenly asked as we sat down at the lab table in biology, "What are you thinking about?" I said with a smirk, "Well, wouldn't you like to know." He rolled his eyes and asked, "So you're not going to tell me?" I stated as I smiled coyly, "My mind and thoughts are going to remain a mystery for now." Alice started giggling at him and he narrowed his eyes at her, she went silent when she saw he would toss her into the river next to their home if she didn't watch herself. I laughed at them and Edward said, "The same thing goes for you too."I informed him, "You'll have to catch me first." He just smirked at me and faced the front of the classroom, we began taking notes as Mr. Banner started giving a lecture for the rest of the hour....

I asked Edward,"Can't you act human for once?" He replied with a grin, "Nope."I jumped into the bed of my truck and informed him, "Then I'm not going to act human either." He stated, "A human not acting human is a strange sight to see." I narrowed my eyes at him and said, "I dare you to say that again." He opened his mouth to say it again,but he froze and his mood changed. He said, "I have to go, there's a complication." I grabbed a hold of his arm to keep him from leaving and stated, "Billy coming here is not a complication, I want you to stay. This is Cullen territory, not Quileute land."Edward replied with a sigh as he knew he wouldn't win this argument,"Fine, I'll stay."

A few minutes later Billy pulled up behind my truck, he spotted Edward right away and I made Edward focus on me. I asked him, "Are you okay, Edward?"He told him, "I'm fine as long as I have you by me." I smiled at him and turned to Billy to ask, "Is there a football game on tonight?"He said, "Yepp." Edward stated, "I better get home, Charlie's on his way here." Then he thought towards me, "I'll see later tonight." I whispered, "I like the sound of that." Billy looked suspiciously between us and I just laughed, before I gave Edward a kiss goodbye and watched him as he took off in his Volvo. Then I turned to Billy and asked, "Who sent Paul to tell me to stay away from the the Cullen's seven weeks ago?" Billy stated, "I don't have a clue what you're talking about." I could tell Billy didn't tell Paul, so I naturally assume it was Sam. I stated, "It must have been Sam then, they better leave my boyfriend's family alone and not accuse them of any murders they didn't do."

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