Chapter Seventeen - Baseball With The Cullen's

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Chapter Seventeen - Baseball With The Cullen's

Bella's POV

It's been a few days since the Wolves tried to destroy my Edward, I swore if they ever tried to harm him again I would kill them. Edward asked, "Are you excited to play baseball with my family tonight." I told him, "I am, even though I don't really like sports." He chuckled softly at what I said, then he pulled me in for another kiss. Edward's thoughts turned vulgar almost instantly, which caused me to think about all the things I wanted to do to him. He broke the kiss and said, "I think we have a hard time keeping our hands off each other, don't we." I just smirked at him and said, "Oh really, we could stop if you like." 

He immediately said, "No, I never want this to stop." I couldn't keep myself from laughing at him, he just smirked and started kissing me again more hungrily this time. We pulled apart again a few minutes later, but he held me close to him. Edward told me, "I'm glad I was wrong, when I thought you wouldn't love me after finding out what I am." I responded, "I actually learned the secret sooner than planned because I had seen Emmett covered in blood; Also I read one of the Quileutes legends online that put everything in place for me." Then Edward stated, "I just can't believe we made love, before you found out what I am." I sighed and said, "Well, that's not entirely true." He asked confused, "What do you mean?" I told him, "I lead you on for about a week that I didn't know, when I had already knew. I figured out you were a vampire, just a few minutes before we made love." 

There was silence between us for a few minutes, until I asked him, "Are you ever afraid I'm going to kill you because of my lust for your venom?" He replied, "No, I know you would never ever hurt me, my love." I couldn't keep myself from smiling at him, he just trusted me so much. He then glanced at the time and said, "I better get going, I'll be back in a few hours to pick you up." I responded, "Okay Edward," then I watched as he left through my bedroom window. 

Since Charlie was going to be home soon I got off my bed and put my clothes back on, I just relished in thought of what Edward and I did this afternoon. Once I was dressed I headed downstairs to the kitchen, I began looking through the cupboards to find something to make for Charlie and I. After a minute I decided to make tuna casserole, I knew it was one of Charlie's favorite foods. 

Charlie pulled into the driveway a minute later, after he entered the house he came straight to the kitchen. He asked almost immediately, "What's for supper, Bells?" I told him, "Tuna casserole, I know it's one of your favorites." He said, "Yes, especially when you make it." Then Charlie began reading the newspaper, since he didn't have time to do it because he had to work today. I told him, "Edward's going to be picking me up at seven, his family is going to play baseball this evening." He questioned, "Isn't  there going to be a thunderstorm this evening." I replied with a grimace, "Well, it's the best time for them to play."....

Edward's POV

It was a few minutes before seven o'clock, when I pulled into the driveway. I slowly got out of the car and walked towards the house, then I rang the door bell. Charlie's thoughts have always seemed fuzzy to me, but I was able to read his mind once in a while. Bella answered the door a minute later, she yelled goodbye to Charlie as she closed the door. When she got to the car door I held it open for her, once she was inside I closed it and got into the driver's seat. 

Within a few seconds we were driving down the highway, we would be at the field in about seven minutes. I asked her, "Are you sure you want to play baseball with us?" She replied, "Yes, I do." I told her, "They can be a little rough sometimes." She responded, "I'll be fine, Edward. I can use my shield to keep me from getting hurt." I sighed in defeat and just focused on driving the rest of the way, I just feared they might accidentally injure my precious Bella.

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