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Newt's Point Of View

"No!" I yelled. "No, Y/N, No!"
I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I didn't care. All I cared about was Y/N. I placed my palms against the walls, flinching when I heard her scream again. Come on, Y/N, you have to survive this...

Y/N's Point Of View

The doors slammed closed, leaving me trapped in the Maze. I stared at the doors, tears welling up in my eyes. Suddenly a sharp pain in my shoulder, caused me to drop to the floor, screaming. A Griever was above me, clicking away like a clock out of sync. I screamed again as the creature pulled it's claws out of me and raised it's sting. Slowly and cautiously, I reached for one of my knifes and stabbed it right in the stomach. The screech that came from the hideous monster was eardrum-bursting (A/N, I don't even know if that's a word but nvm) but I stood up and ran anyway. The pain in my shoulder was excruciating, but I kept running. I ran for my life, but mainly for the Gladers I knew and loved. The Griever lay dead behind me, so I was safe for now but I wasn't sure how long I had left before I encountered another. I ran until my legs burned and I couldn't feel my left arm. Moaning at the pain, I grabbed some leaves from some nearby ivy and pressed them against my injury. The leaves stuck to the sweat and blood so after having a quick drink, I got up and continued running. A cacophony of screeches filled my ears, causing me to freeze on the spot. Think Y/N think! I thought to myself. I looked around me and my eyes settled on the vines a few metres away from me. Quickly but quietly, I made my way over and wriggled in between them. Glad to have some rest, my body weakened and I fell asleep...

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ