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Third Person Point Of View

Where am I? Y/N thought to herself as she sat up.
"Ah hello!" a man exclaimed and hurried over, "I'm so glad you're awake!"
"Who are you?" she questioned frantically, "Where am I? Where are the others? Why am I here? What is this place? How did I get here?"
The man chuckled, "I'm Jorge. You're in a... place... I don't really know how to describe it..."
He paused and let her think for a minute.
"By the 'others' I assume you mean the people who took you?" Jorge questioned.
"No" Y/N scoffed, "I mean the people I was taken from"
"I'm afraid I cannot help you with that" he replied, shrugging.
"Wait... What do you mean I was taken?" she asked, hesitantly.
"You were taken by some men" he informed her, "We infiltrated them... Saved your life"
"Thank you" she replied, "I'm very grateful. How can I find my friends?"
"I have a feeling, my friend..." he said, "That your friends will find you..."

Newt's Point Of View

"No!" I yelled, "Let her go!"
"Newt" Minho murmured, grabbing my arm, "Newt I promise you we'll find her but there's nothing we can do now"
I looked to my right and Thomas was being held back by Frypan and Aris. I shoved Minho off of me and ran my hands through my hair.
"I can't lose her" I whispered, "I can't"
"We won't" Winston said, "Like Minho said, we will find her!"
I nodded at him, smiling half-heartedly.
"How are you doing?" I asked, crouching beside him.
"Been better" he chuckled, then winced, "We should all get some rest"
I nodded in agreement and lay down. It took me a while to fall asleep, but I did eventually, dreaming of the day Y/N comes back to me.

I woke up to the sound of Thomas shooing a bird away from his bag and laughed.
"Hey!" he shouted at it, waving his hand towards it, "Hey, get outta here!"
He stood up and looked around.
"Are they gone?" I asked him, sleepily.
"Yeah" he replied, "I think we're safe for now... We should get moving."
"Are you okay, Tommy?" I queried.
"Don't call me Tommy" he said, pained slightly, "She calls me Tommy..."
He covered his mouth and let out a sob.
"We'll find her" Teresa mumbled groggily, "She's done so much for us... We owe it to her. And besides, Newt and her are meant to be. They won't lose each other."
"Oh come on!" Minho scoffed and rolled his eyes, "You don't really believe all that klunk, do you?"
"Just because you've never been in love!" Teresa sassed.
"And you have?" Minho fired back.
"YES!" she shouted, "I don't know..."
I stared at her, sympathetically. She seemed so confused, but then I suppose she wasn't there the whole time Tommy was panicking and explaining things.
"Let's pack it up" Thomas ordered, "Aris come on. Winston, get up."
We all rolled our eyes at him but did as we were told. Winston groaned in pain.
"Hey, man" Frypan soothed, "Are you okay?"
He held out a hand and helped him up. I smiled slightly at them, it reminded me of when I pulled Y/N out of the box. I shook the thought away and followed the others up the slope and out of our hiding place. The sun shone in my eyes and I narrowed them. Before us were loads of broken buildings and their debris. I gaped and scanned the place as we continued walking.
"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan wondered.
"I don't know" I responded, "But it doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time"
"I hope the whole world isn't like this" Aris commented, anxiously.
There was silence for a moment.
"Whoa whoa whoa" Thomas exclaimed from behind us.
We turned around and looked at him.
"Do you guys hear that?" he queried.
We fell silent as we listened carefully. I didn't hear anything at first but soon heard the chugging noises.
"Everybody, get down!" Tommy yelled suddenly, "Hide, hide!"
"In here!" I called, hiding under a fallen wall.
Everyone followed me and we hid. I watched nervously as three helicopters flew by.
"They're never going to stop looking for us..." Minho said, "Are they?"
Everyone stayed silent, then Thomas stood up and began trekking up the piles of debris. I widened my eyes but went after him anyway.
"Everyone good?" Thomas queried.
There was a ruckus of 'yes'es, but Winston just wheezed and nodded. We continued walking, then began walking up a large sand dune.
"Come on, a little bit further guys!" Tommy encouraged.
I grinned at him. Ever since we arrived he was more of a leader than I was. I reached the top of the dune and held a hand out to help Teresa. She shook her head and made it the rest of the way by herself. I dropped my hand and studied the sight in front of me. This was sure to be a long journey...

Your Point Of View

I hurried after Jorge, panting slightly.
"You know" I said through breaths, "You walk really quickly."
"Oh, my apologies" he grinned, slowing down a bit, "You know, you still haven't told me your name."
"Y/N" I mumbled hesitantly, "My name is Y/N"
"Nice to meet you Y/N" he said, shaking my hand, "Now, come and meet Brenda!"
We walked for a bit longer before we reached a girl with short brown hair.
"Brenda!" Jorge called, "This is Y/N! Y/N, this is Brenda."
"Hey" she greeted me.
"Hi" I smiled back.
"Brenda, will you give Y/N something to eat?" he asked, "I have some... business to attend to"
She nodded once before rummaging through a bag and handing me a sandwich.
"Thanks" I smiled, "What does he mean by... 'business'?"
"I don't know" she shrugged, but I could tell she was lying.
"Okay" I answered, taking a bite out of the sandwich, "Mmm this is so good!"
"I know right" she laughed, "It's my favourite mix"
"What is it?" I chuckled.
"Chicken and sweetcorn" she replied, taking out a sandwich of her own and biting into it.
"Where are we?" I questioned.
"I don't know" she shrugged again, "Jorge and I found this place a while ago... It's kind of like a safehouse for us"
"You called him Jorge" I said, confused, "I thought he was your father"
"No!" she scoffed, looking amused, "God no, he's my best friend. I don't even remember my father"
"Me neither" I frowned, "Nor my mother"
There was an awkward silence for a few minutes before she spoke up.
"C'mon. I'll show you around"

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now