Family Ties

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Third Person Point Of View

Y/N stared at the people around her. She had recently pulled herself out of Newt's grasp and was now standing with her arms folded. Everyone looked shocked apart from Newt who just looked guilty.
"Man, you didn't tell her?" Minho snapped at Newt.
"I just did" Newt fired back.
"You all knew?!" Y/N gaped, fighting back tears, "Everyone but me! Ben, I can't believe you'd keep this from me. Nor you Minho nor you Newt! I feel so betrayed, when were you even planning on telling me?!"
"I was waiting for the right time!" Newt began, trying to comfort her, "I just wasn't sure when that would be..."
"Unbelievable!" she scoffed, "I can't believe you guys"
"We're sorry" everyone in the circle chorused.
She uncrossed her arms, "Well, at least I know now..."
Y/N sat back down on Newt's lap and he enveloped her in his warmth. She kept her gaze on her brothers, smiling at how much more amazing the glade would be.

(Le time skip)
Your Point Of View

I woke up the next morning, head pounding. I got out of bed and headed to the Medhut where I found both my brothers, Gally, Minho and Newt being administering a pain killer. Clint handed me one and I took it gratefully before sitting down at the dinner table between Ben and Thomas.
"You know, it's weird" Gally said, opposite me, "Y/N is like a mix between the both of you."
"Really?" me and my brothers chorused.
"Yup" Minho agreed.
"She has my good looks and your strangeness, Tom" Ben laughed.
"No way, man!" Thomas complained, "She has both our good looks but my smartness!"
"No!" Ben disagreed, "I'm smarter than you!"
"Y/NNNN" they both screeched into my ears, both wanting me to stick up for them.
"Oh my gosh" I laughed, covering my ears, "You're already acting like siblings and it's only been a day!"
"Yeah but remember we were siblings before the Glade!" Thomas pointed out.
I shrugged and all three of us laughed. It sent a tingle up my spine, a feeling I couldn't describe. It just felt so special and nice to have a laugh with my proper family. I knew I had to appreciate it anyway but it still meant a lot to me. Ben and Minho stood up from the table, while Ben placed a kiss on the top of my head.
"Be careful, B" I said.
"I always am" he grinned back.
Thomas and Ben shared a short embrace before Minho and Ben ran into the maze.

I was digging in the gardens when I heard a scream coming from the Deadheads. I squinted my eyes and saw Thomas running out of them, waving his arms around and screaming at the top of his lungs. I ran towards him, urgent to assist him but froze on the spot when I saw his attacker. I stopped dead, only halfway towards them, staring in shock as Newt hit Ben in the head with a stick. I broke out of my daze and ran towards the group now surrounding them, reaching them just as Ben's top was being lifted.
"He's been stung" Gally said, turning to look at me.
Everyone but Newt and Gally were watching me but I didn't care.
"No!" Ben begged, then started yelling frantically.
"Medjacks!" Newt shouted as him and some of the other boys attempted to contain Ben.
I stumbled backwards tears blurring my vision. I had just gotten used to the idea of having two brothers. And now one of them was being taken away from me.

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