Broken Heart

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Your Point Of View

I stared at the grass beneath me, sadness filling my heart. Newt had told me, only moments ago, that Ben was to be banished, before running back to the Gathering. Thomas was sat beside me but he too was sad so said nothing to me.
"It's my fault" he said after a long period of time.
"It's not" I replied, although hardly any noise came out, "It's those shucking grievers and the bloody creators."
"You know..." he said thoughtfully, "I find it weird how you have an English accent and Ben and I are American?"
"Hmm" I hummed, my mind wandering back to the dream I had a while ago, "I don't know, I seem to be the youngest so maybe our parents moved?"
"Maybe..." he responded.
After that, we fell back into the awkward silence, the dreaded moment playing on both our minds.

(Flashback to half an hour before)
Newt's Point Of View

"So..." Alby began, slowly, "What are we going to do?"
"I thought it was obvious?" Gally said, "He has to be banished. As much as I hate the Greenie, he attacked another glader. He broke the rules."
The majority of the Keepers nodded, but Minho and I shook our heads.
"He didn't know what he was doing" Minho defended, "He was stung. I don't understand why we can't just give him the serum and he'll go back to normal!"
"We don't know if it'll work for certain" Alby explained, "This situation is different, Ben was stung in broad daylight."
"That changes nothing!" I protested.
"Oh Newt, will you slim it!" Gally snapped, "If he wasn't Y/N and Thomas's brother you wouldn't give two klunks!"
"I'm looking out for them!" I fired back, "Y/N thinks the world of you, you're one of her closest friends, you're like a brother to her! She has always been there for you and THIS is how you repay her?!"
The whole room had fallen silent, everyone's eyes on me and I could feel my face reddening.
"Newt's right..." Minho murmured, "We should give it a chance... Ben's too big of an asset to the Glade, we've already lost a runner in the last few months so we're low on runners as it is!"
There was a long silence before Alby spoke up.
"My decision is final" he said, firmly, "Ben of the runners will be Banished at dusk... Newt, I need you to tell Y/N and Thomas. I know how close you are to them."
I stared at him incredulously but nodded once and turned to leave.
"Come straight back!" he ordered.
I limped out of the building and towards the gardens. Thomas and Y/N were both working there as the runners had the day off and they couldn't bare to be separated due to the situation.
"Y/N, Tommy!" I called out when I was within talking distance.
They both jogged towards me, a look of hope in their eyes. I couldn't make eye contact with either of them.
"Newt?" Tommy said, "What's goin' on?"
"We tried..." I stuttered out, "Me and Minho tried but..."
"But what?" Y/N's voice was urgent, desperate.
"Gally fought against us and everyone took his side" I told them, solemnly, "Ben's being banished at dawn."
I looked up for a split second and Y/N was already sobbing and crying like mad. She clung to Thomas for support and he began sniffing, a tear running down his cheek.
"I have to go back" I stated, "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise."
As I was walking away, I heard Y/N mumble, "How could Gally do this?"

(Back to original time)
Your Point Of View

"Y/N" a voice pulled me from my thoughts.
I looked up to see Gally, gazing worriedly at you. I stood up and walked over to him before slapping him across the face.
"What the shuck was that for?" he gaped.
A bruise was already forming.
"You traitor!" I spat, "You stupid bloody traitor! Ben thought of you as a brother! You two were so close, what the hell happened. I thought we were friends, I thought we were closer than that, I thought you'd take care of him for me! I thought you'd stick up for him like he always has for you!"
Thomas was pulling gently at my arm but I ignored him.
"YOU ARE A SELFISH PILE OF KLUNK!" I was screaming now, "ALL YOU THINK ABOUT IS YOURSELF AND YOUR PRIDE! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" (A/N if you're struggling to imagine this imagine how Katniss was after Prim's death)
All the Gladers were gathering around us, with looks of shock and concern painted on their features. But there was no sign of Newt or Minho or any of the Keepers.
That's when I was pulled into a pair of warm, strong arms. I'd recognise them anywhere. Newt's. I hugged him tightly as the tears that I was holding in flowed from my eyes like a stream. I'd never felt pain like this before. It was more painful then Ryan's death, more painful than the Griever wound and even more painful than when Ryan stabbed me in the shoulder. I didn't know how I was going to survive without him. I felt as though part of my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Then everything came flooding back to me - Ben chasing Thomas, Ben's sting, Newt telling me he was going to be banished, Gally's betrayal - and I let out a pained scream followed by hysteric sobs. Newt hugged I tighter and shushed me gently, trying to comfort me but to no avail. I would never forgive Gally for what he did

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