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I walked through the Glade, hand in hand with Newt. All my friends were waving at me, some of them hugging me, happy to see that I was fit and healthy again. I had been waiting patiently throughout the whole day for Minho to come back so I could hug him, but he still wasn't back. I bit the nails on my free hand, anxiously and turned to watch the doors.
"Y/N..." Newt said, putting his arms around me and pulling me close, "There's still five minutes til the doors close, he'll be fine"
"He'd better be or I'll kill him" I breathed out in all one breath.
He smirked against my hair and ran his fingers through it.
"I'm so glad you agreed to be mine" he whispered.


Newt's Point Of View

"Y/N" I breathed, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!!!" she squealed and jumped into my arms, "Yes, yes, a million times yes... Ow..."
I pulled away and looked at her, concerned. She shrugged and told me that it was just her shoulder. I scanned her face again, before bringing her back into my arms.
"Newtie..." she whispered, "I love you so much..."
"I love you too Y/N" I murmured back.
"Come on!" she exclaimed suddenly, jumping up, "I wanna see Minho"

(End of Flashback)
Your Point Of View

"Why wouldn't I?" I giggled, "Who could resist a blonde brit?"
He smirked again and tightened his grip on you. I continued watching the doors and just at the last minute, Minho ran through the doors. I sighed relieved and pried myself out of Newt's grip, running towards him. He met my eyes and picked me up as I reached him, spinning me around. When he finally put me down, I laughed into his shoulder and pulled away.
"Newt's getting jealous" he murmured into my ear, "I wish he'd just ask you out already!"
I bit back a laugh as I told him the news. Instead of grinning and getting excited like I'd expected, he stormed towards Newt a threatening look on his face. I jogged after him, and only managed to hear the end of his rant.
"... And if you hurt her you'll have me to deal with" he finished.
Newt nodded and pulled me into his arms, gazing into my eyes.
"Good that" Minho said, cheerfully, and left.
"I'm hungry" I stated, dragging Newt to Frypan and asking him for something to eat.
"Good to see you back" Fry greeted and handed me a plate of mashed potatoes.
I thanked him and sat down at a table, enjoying every spoonful of mash I ate. I could feel Newt's eyes on me the whole time, but I didn't mind. I just hoped that he didn't see the blush creeping it's way onto my face. Once I'd finished, I gave my empty plate to Frypan, thanking him again and walking towards the Homestead, Newt following. Suddenly, Minho and Gally jumped out and enveloped us both in hugs. I squealed slightly at the shock but hugged them back all the same.
"So Newt finally asked you out, huh?" Gally asked, "You took your time"
"Jeez, Gally" Newt frowned, "Thanks for that"
"No, it's okay" I smiled, "The wait was worth it."
Newt blushed and took me by the hand. "I think you should get some rest, Y/N"
I nodded. "I am quite tired."
"You've been unconscious for a week" Minho remarked.
"Mmhmm" I answered, sassily, "After being stabbed in the shoulder by one of my best frieeeends... Wait a minute... Where's Ryan?"
Newt scratched the back of his neck, nervously and put his arm around my shoulder as Gally and Minho explained to me .
"He was banished..." I frowned, a tear running down my cheek, "I should've been awake, I should've stopped them and tried to find out what happened!"
"Y/N, love..." Newt began, "After he stabbed you he went mad... Kept screaming and attacking people... There was nothing anyone could do. I'm sorry"
I sobbed quietly, and wriggled out of his arms before running to my room.
This is all my fault... I thought

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now