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Thomas' Point Of View

"Y/N?" I said, worried, "Are you okay?"
She stood up and held the picture up, an angry look on her face.
"What's this?" she snapped, "A picture of Thomas and I? Where did you get it?"
The woman stammered and looked between me and her.
"I see I have a lot of explaining to do..." was all she said.
"Yes, just a bit" Y/N replied, coldly.
"Y/N, calm down" I said, "Let's just hear her out."
"That's what you said last time, Thomas!" she pointed out, "And we ended up hanging upside down over a god-knows-how-deep hole! She could be a spy for WICKED!"
I raised an eyebrow at her and she calmed down, before folding her arms, "Talk" she said.
"That picture was taken not long after your father died" she sighed, "He knew what was going to happen so he asked me to look after you both, make sure I kept an eye on you. He was very insistent. I knew that he loved you both very much so I took a picture of you and was intending on putting it in his coffin. But he escaped. The guards didn't have a chance to kill him. So I couldn't bury it with him. I kept the picture because it was too lovely to get rid of..."
"You knew our father?" I asked, confused.
"Yes" Doc replied, "We were best friends..."
"You're lying" Y/N snapped, "I can tell by your face. I recognise that face, that's the face Tommy has when he's lying"
The woman sighed, "It doesn't surprise me that my face reminds you of Thomas'. Everyone used to say, 'Mary and Thomas but which one's which?' You always looked more like your father"
"Really?" Y/N smiled at her, genuinely.
"Yes" Mary chuckled.
"Wait..." I spoke up, "I look like you and Y/N looks like our father..."
Mary froze on the spot.
"That must mean..."

Muahahaha cliffhanger!!! . So... who do you think Doctor Mary is?

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant