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I sat down next to Gally at the table and began eating the plate of bacon and eggs in front of me . Minho soon sat on the other side of me , ruffling my hair and side hugging me. Newt was sat at another table, watching us both with a look of jealousy, but we didn't notice. I was too busy laughing with my best friend to notice. When I finally looked at him, he held my gaze before looking away and leaving the table. I scrunched your eyebrows and followed him. When he finally stopped walking he was in the middle of the Deadheads.
"What's the matter?" I asked, hugging him from behind.
He wriggled from my grip and turned to me, an angry look on his face.
"How's Minho?" he snapped.
"What do you mean?" I questioned, "He's fine I think, he hasn't..."
"You know what I mean!" I interrupted, "You were awfully cosy at the dinner table."
"Newt" I sighed, moving towards him, "You know how I feel about Min and you know how I feel about you"
"I thought I did" he said, hesitantly, "But now I don't know. You hardly ever spend time apart"
"Because he's my best friend!" I argued, "So what? Are you going to get this jealous every time I make friends?"
"Jealous?!" he laughed humourlessly. "I'm not jealous!"
"Yes you are!" I yelled. "You clearly are otherwise you wouldn't be acting like this!"
"I'm acting like this because every time I look at you, you're chatting to another guy!" he shouted back.
"Erm, maybe that's because I'm the only girl here?" I pointed out, angrily, "What do you expect me to do, talk to the trees? Maybe the livestock? Or how about the Grievers?"
He scoffed. "Y/N, you're such a--"
"Y/N!" Ben shouted, interrupting"Oh, hey Newt."
Newt waved in response before moving his stare back to me.
"Am I interrupting something?" Ben queried, sheepishly.
"Nah, Benny it's okay" I said, "We're done here. Unless you've got a problem with me chatting with my own brother Newt?"
He shook his head, glaring at me.
"Good that" I stated, before leaving Newt alone...

I didn't speak to Newt for the rest of the day, no matter how many times he tried to fix things. I kept catching him staring at me but I ignored him. This continued on for several weeks.

I climbed into bed, thinking  about the events from a few weeks ago. I folded my arms and wriggled until I found a position I was comfortable with, then fell asleep.

I woke up with a start. Whoever was shouting your name sounded terrified. I climbed out of bed and walked straight into Gally's hard chest.
"Y/N" he gasped, out of breath from running, "It's Newt"
"What about him?" I sighed, leaning against my bedroom wall.
A tear ran down his cheek. "He's tried to kill himself."
My eyes widened and I sprinted as fast as I could to the Medjacks. There he lay, the boy I loved, covered in blood with his leg twisted in a disgusting way. I covered my mouth as sobs raked through my body.
"Newt" I cried, walking to his side, "Baby what did you do?"
"Y/N?" he groaned, opening his eyes.
"What the shuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled, so loud and angry that he flinched away, "You stupid shucking shank, why the klunk would you do this to yourself? Why would you do this to us? Your friends, your girlfriend, do we mean nothing to you? Don't you see what you mean to us? You stupid, stupid shuckface!"
He suddenly found his bedsheets extremely interesting. I watched him for ages but he wouldn't meet your eye. Eventually, I gave up, tears staining my cheeks.
"I'm sorry" I sobbed, "But I really can't be here right now."
I walked out of the Medhut and fell to the ground, crying so aggressively that I was unable to breathe...

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now