Part 1 - Chapter 5

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[Laito, my bae... Wait]

I was smelling a rose in the garden, when I remembered what Laito had told me in the church. I'd forgotten with all the lovemaking. He said I'd been sacrificed by The Church of Mello.

"That's not a church, it's a cult," I corrected him. "The Cult of Mello."

"He lied, it's a church."


Kanato appeared and said I kept him waiting. For what?

We walked to a graveyard. 

"I love graves, don't you?" He asked. 

"Yes, me too!"

"This is my mother's grave," He said, stopping before one. "I killed her." 

"Ok, cool." 

"Place the roses on it," He ordered. 

I nodded and flung the bouquet on the grave cos I was too lazy to kneel down. I'd already done enough kneeling for Laito. 

Kanako accused me of something or other, I wasn't listening, then started attacking the grave with the bouquet of flowers. 

"Wow, stop," I said sarcastically. "You'll break it." 

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He yelled. 

I didn't know what to do so I joined in yelling. 


He tried to rape me and I fell over. 

"I don't do children! I'm sorry!" I yelled. "Actually I'm not sorry cos that would be gross and also illegal. So stop throwing yourself at me!" 

He laughed, "I can't forgive you!" 

He got on top of me and kissed me, though I told him to stop. 

"I'm not going to jail because a child and his teddy bear raped me!" I yelled as he licked me. 

"I won't stop," He looked over at his teddy who was watching us. 

"I want to die," I moaned. "Mello, help me, Near's doppelganger is taking me from you." 

I had tea with boring guy, the tea was the most exciting part. Oh wait, the selfish bastard wouldn't even make me a cup of tea. I hoped he'd die (again) 

Then he changed his mind. 

"I don't want your shitty tea now. I'm BORED. I want to go home to Mello, unless you get the hot redheads to take me again."

"Whats wrong with you?" He asked rudely. 

"YOU'RE what's wrong with me! Fuck off!" 

He gave me a total rape-look. Then he threw me against a bookshelf and insulted me. 

"That's really not gonna make me want you," I said. 

He threatened me and blah, blah I couldn't take him seriously because he's too boring. I'm used to Mello threatening me and he does a far better job at it than this douche. 

"I WANT MELLO!!!" I yelled in his ear, hoping to deaden him. 

He looked away and drifted into a daydream. 

"Mother, I tried to satisfy you," He murmured. 

Oh god... he had mommy issues. 

"Did you murder your father and fuck your mother?!" I yelled as I pushed him away while he was distracted. 

"I will cut you, bitch," He hissed from the floor where he'd fallen. 

"I cut myself for years, like that's going to bother me! You stupid, boring, ugly excuse for a vampire, get away from me! Why can't you be hot like your brothers?" 

"That's so harsh," He said and started crying. "Momma, Momma..."

I legged it out of there. 

[Purple Near and his teddy

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[Purple Near and his teddy. He's cute though]

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