Accidents and Hospital Trips

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Wood's POV

"Dude, you really don't understand, she was gorgeous" I explain Paul just smiles "You know what? I'll believe it when I see it. Because Woods you do have a tendency to over exaggerate things." he explains, I just roll my eyes and then Tanner walks in "What's we talking about?" he asks "Tristyn" Paul says and then bites into his burger "Oh boy, have you seen her? Oof, she deserves an oof." he said and then chuckles "Are you guys talking about MY SISTER ?" Connor asks "Uh, Um, Hmm" is all that came out of our mouths "Well let me get this strait, she is now working here, Matthias said she was gonna replace Mariah, and it was going to be four people on Rekt now, Tanner, Gunner, Woods and now Tristyn." he explains very annoyed "She just got cheated on and she doesn't need guys trying to get in her pants, so please have some dignity." he said and stormed off "Geez" Tanner said and widened his eyes and continued getting out his lunch "I guess he's right." Paul said "I mean it's not really his place to say if we were to even get in her pants, man I haven't even seen her and this is already starting." Paul said and grabbed his lunch and left, probably going to eat lunch in his office. I grab my lunch and give it to Tanner "Do you want it?" I ask "Nah, but give it to Gunner he hasn't had a chance to leave his office yet." he explains "Alright" I say and begin walking to Gunner's office, I walk in and he's not there, I put the burger on his desk and I grab a sticky note 'Hey, You can have it I'm not hungry. Woods' and I stick it to the burger and walk to Matt's office.

I walk up to his closed door and knock on it "Come in" he says and I see Gunner, Kevin, Nichole, and Tristyn. "What's up?" Matt asks and stands up "Oh, never mind, let me know when you're available, I need to talk to you." I say "Well actually, we are done, we were just bantering" Nichole said "Well it's kinda privet, and I kinda just wanted to talk to Matt." I said "Don't worry though, it's not an emergency or anything. Don't worry" I say "Are you sure?" Matt asks "Yup, just text me when your available" I say and close the door, I turn around and start walking to the stairs "Woods!" someone calls I turn around it's Matt "Lets go to Kevin's office." he said "Alright" I said and we walk into Kevin's Office and we close the door, Matt sits in his chair "What's up?" he asks "Um, so I heard Tristyn's gonna take over for Mariah," I trail off "Yeah, did Connor tell you?" he asks I nod my head "Is it about Tristyn? Do you guys have a bad history? 'Cause I can still move her to a different channel." he says concerned "No!" I say kinda loudly, he backs his head up and looks really confused 'Come on just say it! ' "IReallyLikeTristyn!" I say really quickly "Um," Matt says and pauses for a moment "Well I Uh, don't know what I should do," he says slowly "Or say." he continues "She is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye, so I can understand." he says and rubs the back of his neck "Well the good thing is, she will be sharing an office with Nichole, that's why she was in there and Gunner was in there because I had to tell him that she is going to be in Rekt, but Tristyn is going to be in her office most of the time editing because she is our new editor for Rekt and she is our Photographer, so if you need a photoshoot ask her." he says and chuckles "She almost worked for Nat Geo and Life so she is more than qualified." he said and chuckled again "But just be cool and please keep it professional while in the buildings." he said "O-Okay" I stutter "Anything else?" he asks "No, no, that's it, thank you for listening." I say and open the door and walk out.

I b-line to the stairs not looking around and just looking down at my feet not paying attention to my surrounding and I trip over a box and as I'm falling I feel myself collide with someone and take them down with me, and I land right on top of them. I groan and put my hands down on the ground to pick myself up and I open my eyes and I see Tristyn, she's just lying there, her eyes are closed and her brows are crinkled together, she opens her eyes and we are so close our noses are almost touching and we stay there for a second *Ahem* someone does, I get off of her really quickly and I help her up and as she regains her balance she loses it and her leg gives out. I catch her and 'wow she smells really nice ' I look at Matt and Kevin and they look concerned but not as bad as Matt "Do you need to go to the hospital?" Matt asks and gets on her other side to help her "No, I'm sorry I just wasn't looking and I collided with you Woods, I'm sorry" she apologized "No, it was me I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and tripped and landed on you." I explain, we try and help her walk but her leg gives out again "Kevin, can you get Connor for me please?" she asks "I just need to sit." she says, we take her to Matt's office and sit her down on the couch, I sit next to her and Matt runs downstairs.

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