Death Gave Life

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Connor's POV

I'm in so much shock right now I can't function. Tears are just falling and I can't do anything to make it stop. "Connor Look! Listen, Listen!" I barely hear I look up at Woods and he is pointing to Tristyn, I look over and see her heart monitor is beeping. I stand up slowly and walk over to her bed, next to the Doctor. I look at her are there is a tear running down her face. "She's alive" the Doctor says and I grab her hand and she grabs back "How much pressure is she grabbing?" the Doctor asks I grab his forearm and barely tighten my hand "Like I said, she's a strong girl and she does not wanna die." he said, smiled and walked away.

Wood's POV

"Beep....... Beep....... Beep" I heard I looked up, the heart monitor, She was alive! "Connor." I say quietly, he doesn't move "Connor Look! Listen, Listen!" I say "Beep, beep, beep, beep" he stood up walked over to her I stood up to walked over to Gunner, I put my hand on his back "Listen." I say he zones back in and stands up slowly and walks over to her, I walk over to Paul and Tanner "Guys, listen" I say Tanner shot straight up and walked over to her and Paul slowly stood up and hugged me "She's alive" he said, and cried into my shoulder.

Tristyn's POV

Everything went black, and then I saw the hospital room it was empty, and I looked to my left and there was a man in all black standing next to the window holding something in his hand, I couldn't make it out, "You're awake." he said "Who are you?" I ask he turns around and walks over to me, he is wearing a cloak and he as his hood up, I try and look into his hood and I see a faint outline of a face. He takes his hood off and it's a skull, I look away "Don't be scared child" he said and then a soft white light appeared into the room, it was a lady, she was wearing a long white dress and her hair was a soft brown and she was super pretty, she looked so familiar. "That's right, bunny don't be scared." she said, her voice sounded a lot like my mom's "Mom?" I ask and a tear runs down my face she smiles and put her hand on my face "Momma." I say quieter "I'm here, baby" she says "This man next to you is Death, he's here to take you, so you can be with me." she said "But, momma, I'm not ready to be with you. I can't leave Connor" I say and crinkle my brows together, then Death rose his hand and I saw the guys on the floor and Connor was crying on the floor and Tanner was being held back by Paul and he was screaming at someone "Can you rewind that and can I listen to what they are saying?"

I ask and then I hear muffled crying and then it becomes more clear "NO! NOOO! DON'T LEAVE ME! I CAN'T BE ALONE AGAIN!" Connor yelled "I'M GONNA KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I hear Tanner yell and then Paul and Tanner fall to the ground and I look over at Gunner and he drops to his knees, And Woods, he just stood there staring at me "What happened?" I ask "Dylan killed you sweetheart, you can be with me now" she said and smiled softly "No." I said and sat up "No, momma, I love you. I'd do anything for you, but I'm not leaving Connor." I said and I pulled myself off the bed and started hobbling out of the room. Death appears right in front of me "I'm not going to let you take me away from my brother!" I yell and started to try and run and I fell and my casted leg hit the floor hard, and the cast shatters. I scream in pain but I stand up and look down the hall and see a door that leads outside, I drag my leg and start running, I try and use my broken leg and then I started being able to. I ran and ran and ran, I bolted out the door and everything went black. "She's alive." I hear I squeeze my hand as hard as I could "How much pressure is she grabbing?" I hear "Like I said, she's a strong girl and she does not wanna die." the same voice said and then heard footsteps walk away, I feel someone grab my other hand tight. I try so hard to open my eyes and somehow I manage to. "Bunny?" I hear, my eyes burn its so hard to open them but I just keep blinking and trying to open them "Connie?" I ask "I'm here" he says and squeezes my hand "I saw mom" I said and tears started falling down my face and I just broke down.

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