Fist Fights And Revenge

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(AN: That's Dylan ^^)

Gunner's POV

After about 2 hours we made it to the ex's house and we got out and walked to the building and went to the 3rd floor and to his apartment. "Alright let's knock and stay quiet okay?" Connor says we all mumble back in agreement and Connor rang the doorbell and this guy answered "Connor?" he asks "Yeah I'm here to get Tristyn's stuff" he explains "Oh" he sad quietly "Who are they?" he asks and points to us "They just came to help me so that I can get out of your hair faster" Connor said bluntly "Okay well, her room is upstairs second door on the left" he explains we walk in and it's all trashy and dirty and smells terrible, it kinda makes me nauseous. We walk into her room and it's so clean and smells nice. Her bed was made really nicely, her curtains were closed but it was still bright in there. Her walls her a very soft peach with dark grey trim. Everything in her room was clean and there is barely an dust. Paul and Woods went to get the boxes out from Connor's truck and bring them up. We started taking the twinkle lights off from the walls and her paintings and pictures and her polaroid heart thing from the walls. When the guys came back we started putting all her stuff into the boxes and dismantling her bed and some cabinets and the small table and chair that was in there and we nicely, best we could, folded her comforter and sheets.

"So is she living with you, Connor?" the ex asked very rudely "She didn't want me to tell you where she now lives." he said coldly "Well, I'll find her don't worry. Whether you tell me where she is or not, she'll get what she deserves." he said Connor dropped what he was doing and went up into his face "You get anywhere near my sister and I'll kill you" he said loudly "And what are you going to do, if I were to find her?" he asked, I wanted to speak up for Connor so bad but I stayed quiet "You don't need to worry, because you're not going to find her." he said and walked away and picked up a box, and walked out "So what is she fucking al of you? She was always quite a slut, she would put her legs in the air for anyone." Tanner dropped the chair he was holding and grabbed him by the collar and got up in his face "She is not a slut, you're just jealous that she has people to run to, when you have no one, you low life." he said and he let go and backed up and the ex, still don't know his name, looked pissed. He stood there in the door way and then get grabbed Tanner's shirt and tried to punch him. Woods, Paul and I stepped in and tried to break the fight, but Tanner just kept pushing us back, "Come on, pussy, hit me!" the ex yelled Tanner grabbed his arm and threw him into a wall and he came back up and tried to punch back but Tanner kept dodging them. He was throwing really weak punches "You're gonna hurt yourself, man." I said to the ex "No I will win this." he said weakly "Guys!" someone yelled, it was Connor. "You're really gonna let your egos go through the roof and fight?" he yelled "Dylan, get out of here! Go and screw your new girlfriend, and leave us be!" he yelled and Dylan hobbled out of the room but stopped to say something to Connor "This is not the last you'll see of me." he said and walked away.

Connor just picked up another box and didn't look at any of us "Connor, I'm sorry" Tanner apologized "It's fine" he said and walked out of the room with a box "Well, the car ride is going to be awkward" I said and Woods and Paul scoffed "I'm sorry guys," Tanner said quietly "I just don't want people dissing on people I like" he said and carried the chair out the room ' but I like her too ' "He likes her? How?" Woods asked "Why is that a problem?" Paul asked " 'Cause I like her." he said really quietly and trailed off "Who doesn't like her?" I ask, no one said anything, then Connor and Tanner came back in.

~~Time Skip To After Packing~~

We made it back to Connor's place and he backed up into the garage and then we started taking out all the boxes and taking it to her new room. I walk out to the front of the truck to grab some of the stuff and I see a black car and when I notice it, it speeds off, I run inside and to the guys "I think Dylan followed us here" I said out of breath "What?!" Connor yelled and ran out of the house to looked down the street. "Just take all the boxes out and put it on the floor in here" he said and we all rushed to unload the boxes. "Get in the truck" he said and closed the bed door and we all ran to get in and he pulled out and then closed the garage door and got back in and took off down the street "Where are we going?" Paul asked "To Tristyn" he said.

After we make it, he parks and runs inside and up to her room and opens the door and someone is in there, but she is asleep. "Shh, She's asleep" he said and I took a step inside and the lights turn on, it was Dylan "How did you know she was here?" I ask "I just took a wild guess, turns out I was right." he said and turned around and just smiles at us. He grabs her IV drip and pulls out a needle "You know it would be bad if something were to happen to her" he said and brought the needle closer to her drip "NO!" Connor yells "What do you want from us?!" he yells again and I wave to whoever was behind me and then I hear soft foot steps and then they disappear, hopefully they went to go get someone.

"I just want her" he said "Why? What do you even get out of it?" Woods asks "I've always hated Connor but I got so much praise for having a hot girlfriend." he said "I just want my trophy back!" he said "But you were the one who cheated on her!" I say loudly "Because Madison was my side hoe." he said proudly "You're sick" Tanner said "But hey you won the fight so you should be happy" he said we were silent "I'll take back what was mine first." he said "Well, I had her first" Connor said "She's my sister" he continued "But she's my bitch!" he said and stabbed the IV drip and blew air into it "LAPD PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" someone said and then Connor ran to Tristyn and her heart monitor started beeping not normally and then she started having a seizure a bunch of nurses and a doctor ran in and Connor backed up and then we all walked up to him and her heart started beeping really fast and then would slow down and then speed up "She's going into shock!" one of the nurses yelled, then her heart monitor stopped beeping, I couldn't hear anything but the long beep, even Connor's screaming. I dropped to the ground and landed on my knees and tears started rolling down my face and I look over at Connor and he is bawling and screaming, but I can't hear anything, it sounds like I'm underwater.

Connor's POV

"She's my sister" I said "But she's my bitch!" he said and stabbed the IV drip and blew air into it "LAPD PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" a cop said and then I ran to Tristyn and her heart monitor started beeping abnormally and then she started seizing. A bunch of nurses and a doctor ran in and I backed up and hit a wall, tears started rolling down my face and then her heart stopped and she stopped seizing. "NO! NOOO!" I scream and then I broke down and started screaming. I couldn't hear anything, I was going into shock and I couldn't feel anything. I dropped to my knees "DON'T LEAVE ME! I CAN'T BE ALONE AGAIN! please don't leave me." I say quietly and then I just black out.

Tanner's POV

"LAPD PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" A cop said and he did I ran up to him and started punching him and I threw him on the ground and I stood above him and started punching him, over and over and over again, I felt someone grab my waist and pull me, I didn't care who it was I just wanted that bastard dead "I'M GONNA KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yell and then I fell on the ground and someone was holding my arms back, I try and fight back but they are holding strong. I stop fighting and tears start flowing. The cops pull him out and handcuff him. I look over at Connor and he is on the ground screaming and Gunner is next to him just standing on his knees with tears rolling down his face and I look over at Tristyn and see her heart monitor flat lined. Whoever was holding me let go and I sat up and put my elbows on my legs and my head in my hands and tears started falling down my face.

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