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Today was the day. Today we are scaring James. We gave the directions to Jacob and in a few hours they will be here. Now I noticed a trend, when I wear heels, James talk to me more, so just to make sure he will talk to me today I wore on of my favorite heels and made sure I looked decent because I need this to work. And since the guys can pick people up like they are nothing it's perfect. Around 1 they showed up and James has been bothering me all day and it is very annoying, because he is trying to play caddie and that is what Alyssa is, he is really pushing my buttons, but I'm trying to be nice. We round up Bryan, Joey and Matt and they all get to pick me up and throw me onto a mat. How fun. Jacob was the ringleader so he got to yell at them the way they got yelled at and since James was my personal shadow *rolls eyes* he stayed in the background, well to freak him out Andrew got to go throw the whole course to show them how to do it.

He went through and picked me up and carried me bridal style and I played dead because they need me dead weighted, and he tossed me onto the mat. I giggled while being tossed and laughed when I landed. "Did that hurt at all?" he asked and picked me up by the waist and put me on the ground "No, that was really fun actually" I say and he gently pats my back, th video continues and the only one to fail was Joey because he dropped me, but Jake caught me before I hit the ground "Remember we don't want any casualties!" Jacob yelled "Sir yes sir!" they all yelled back. We finished the video and the winner was Bryan he had the fastest time. I didn't have much to do today so I just hung out with the guys and I went to make more tea and James followed me and I showed I was annoyed so that the guys knew that it was about time.

James just kept talking and talking and talking and he would not stop I walk back out to the guys and they stand up and walk over to me "Sis, is this guy annoying you?" Andrew asked, "Hm" I replied "This is normal" I respond "Well we can teach him a lesson and make sure he never messes with you again." Jake says and they all circle around him and pound their fists into their hands trying to scare him "I don't know, Jacob you choose, you're pretty logical" I say and Jacob picks him up my the shirt and holds him up, James was visibly scared "Yeah let's mess with him." Rick said and poked him "Sis, want us to, treat him a lesson?" Jacob asks "Only if you feel it necessary" I say "I already told you what he did to me" I add on, James' face turned to white and they took him outside.

Jacob's POV

I carry him outside and hold him against the wall "So you think you can just make a move on our big sister and get away with it?" I say and he shakes his head "N-No sir" he stumbles out "Well how about we show you what we do when you touch our big sis?" Andrew said and pounded his hand on his hand I let him go and he fell down the wall, we laughed and started pushing him around, we weren't going to hurt him too bad, just shake him a bit "You're luck we love her, we would kill you if we could." Rick said and we laughed in agreeance. I grab him by the collar and get in his face "If we ever find out you are bothering her we will come find you and hurt you so bad you would wish you were dead." I said and threw him back, "We don't even want you bugging her during work unless you really need to." Jake said "And we will be here all week so watch your back" Andrew said and I pull out Tristyn's keys and unlocked the door "Okay sis, he has been handled and if you don't mind we want to stay here for the week to make sure he doesn't bother you." I state and she puts her phone and tea down and hugs me around my shoulders, I wrap my arms around her waist and spin her around "Thank you so much" she says and tightens her grip, "How about I treat you guys to some food?" she asks and I put her down, the guys cheer and then she walks upstairs and we stay down here waiting for her, I watch her walk away 'damn, she has always been the one I wanted' I think to myself 'she is kind hearted sweet as hell and her body is so small it is perfect for me to hold' I continue 'I love the way she walks and holds herself and talks, her everything is perfect' I continue thinking like that until she comes down.

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