Arguments And Reunions

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Tristyn's POV

I wake up and feel something squished up against my body, I look down and see Luna cuddling up into my body. I smile and carefully push her to Matt who is asleep across from me and she curls up into his chest and he wraps an arm around her and holds her tightly. I get up and look at the time "7:00 am" I walk down stairs and walk into the kitchen and make some tea and go outside with a blanket and sit down in my normal spot and open a book and start reading.

After a while I ran out of tea and walked inside and wash everything and put it all away and then Connor comes downstairs and starts making coffee "You know, I don't like you hanging out with the guys like you do" he said "And how is that your place to say how I  want to hang out with people?" I ask as I dry the pot and put it away "Because I'm your older brother and I have some say in what you do" he said "The hell you don't! If mom where here then she  would have say in my life, but Connor, she would warn me about people not tell who I can and cannot hang out with people, that's just rude" I explain getting annoyed "Look Tristyn, I have to be mom because she is not here! Stop telling me 'this is what mom would do' I know what mom would do and I'm sorry I'm not like her! If you don't like it then you can get your own house!" he exclaimed and I looked at him, my heart shattered at what he just said "You know what?" I said and slammed the towel on the counter hard enough to make him jump "You're so right. I should just get out of your life and move out. 'Cause I'm just such a burden here and I've noticed you don't want me here, so I'll just pack my shit and go" I said and stormed off "Tristyn! That's not what I meant! I'm sorry!" he yelled I ignored him and quietly opened my door to not wake Matt or Luna, I grabbed my gear and walked into the bathroom and changed.

I came out and put my pajamas away and grabbed my Docs, helmet and gloves and quietly walked out. I walked down stairs and I see Connor sitting at the couch with his head in his hands and, because I'm such a petty person and dropped my boot at the door and sat down and started putting them on. "Tristyn please don't leave" he said I hear that he is on the verge of tears, I don't answer. I finish putting on my boots and I stand up and grab my keys not looking at him "Tristyn please! Just look at me!" he said and a tear ran down my face and I looked him in the eyes and turned to open the door and I walked out and slammed the door. I walked to my bike and sat down and started it and then put on my gloves and I heard the door open "Tristyn!" I heard I didn't look and I put my helmet on and kicked up the stand and took off down the street. I don't even have my phone, just my wallet and my emergency bag under my seat.

I ride to Santa Barbara and to the cemetery. 3 hours later (traffic), I make it and I get off and walk the paths to find mom. I found her and I just sat down. I picked and wild flower and started fiddling with it. I look at her headstone and just stare at it. "Mom what do I do? Connor basically kicked me out of his house and I don't have enough to get and maintain an apartment." I explain to her "I don't know what to do anymore" I say and start tearing up "I wish you were here" I say and then start sobbing "I don't know what to do anymore" I say quietly and just sit there crying.

After a little bit I stop and then I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. I look around and it's an old man, he looks super familiar. I stand up and his features were so soft and kind looking, but he looks like he would have been very serious when he as younger. He looks to be around his 60's. "Tristyn, it's such a pleasure to see you again" he said "Mr. Carson?" I ask Yes honey it's me" he said and went in for a hug and did too and w stayed there for a bit "I missed you, how are you?" he asked "Well first why are you here?" I ask and hold his hands "Well I came to visit your mother, and just fill her in on some things that have been happening. I do this every Sunday" he explains "Do you live here?" I ask "Oh yes, me and one of your old maids, Ms. Bartley." he replied my eyes lit up "Do you mind if we go to your house? And talk over a cut of tea?" I ask and a wide grin goes across his face "Oh I would love that but first I have to talk to your mother, you can stay and listen if you want" he offers "Okay, if you don't mind" I said and he smiled again and then started to talk to mom.

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