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Tristyn's POV

I woke up before Matt and I picked up my clothes from the floor and put my underwear and bra on and then went to my closet to pick out what I wanted to wear today and got dressed, I walked downstairs and saw that Nan and Pop made us some toast and so I picked up the plate and went outside and sat down with them and drank some tea. We were having a really nice conversation about the Ball yesterday, then it got very awkward. "Honey, did you have sex last night?" Nan asked and I choked on my tea, and looked at her, she just smiled and Pop chuckled "It's because your eyes are blue and usually they are green." she explains and then Matt comes outside and sits down with us. "I knew it" Nan said under her breath "Knew what?" Matt asked groggily "You and Bunny had.." she started but I cut her off "NOPE THIS CONVERSATION IS NOT HAPPENING!" I yelled and dragged Matt inside and to the bathroom "What is happening it's way too early for this." he says and rubs his face and the back of his neck "Look at your nose and my eyes, your nose gets red and my eyes turn blue when we have sex and Nan and Pop put two and two together." I explain and Matt's face goes red. We walk upstairs and Matt grabs his bag and shoes "I need to get Luna" he says and then makes his way downstairs and awkwardly says goodbye to Nan and Pop and leaves.

~~Time Skip Monday Morning~~

I get dressed and put my clothes in my bag and grab my gear and head downstairs and et my toast and say goodbye to Nan and Pop. I put my boots on and grab my keys and walk out to my bike and put my bag under the seat and put my helmet and gloves on and start the engine and take off for work. I get there and I don't feel like taking my helmet off so I just walk in and I see a man with short slicked back black hair with a few strands in his face, he has a five o'clock shadow and is nicely built, he looks straight at me and his mouth opens a bit and I wave my hand and walk into the bathroom and change.

I come out with my helmet, boots and bag in hand and I look over and he is just leaning up against the wall, I walk over to him and he stands up straight "Hello, can I help you?" I ask he sticks his hand out, he is wearing black slacks with a grey Oakley button up and a matching Black blazer with a skinny black tie. I grab his hand "I'm not sure,  man opened the door for me and told me he was going to get someone and never came back, I'm James Carson by the way." he explains "Tristyn Melville, follow me, I'll help you" I say and we walk up the stairs and I knock on Matt's door "James Carson is waiting for you." I say loud enough for his to hear, then the door flies open and Woods comes out and Matt behind him. Woods walks out and down the stairs, I turn around "Good luck" I say and he nods.

About an hour and a half later I hear Matt's door open and I get up and open my door and see James walking past to the stairs I walk with him "So was it an interview?" I ask "It was" he chirped "How'd you think you did?" I asked "Good, he said I got the job and I start tomorrow so I'm happy about that." he said and pushed open the door "Thank you for your luck" he said and walked out to his car. I walk up to Matt's office and knocked and then opened it "Hey baby, how did James do?" I asked and leaned against the door frame. "He did good, pleasure to be around, a little stiff at first but a good guy." he explains "What is he going to be?" I ask and walk in the room and close the door "A tech, whenever something goes wrong we have him to help." Matt explains and I put my hands on his arm rests and lean in close to him and kiss him.

After a bit I pull away "You smell like coffee" I say and smile, he chuckles and stands up, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder he opens his door and walks out and down the stairs, "Matt! Put me down!" I yell he opens the door and walks outside, to orange base "Babe put me down!" I yell again and start hitting my fists on his back, hard enough to not hurt him but for him to feel it. He walks in and I hear Gunner start laughing, Pat laughing too "What the heck are you doing, Matt?" Pat asks and laughs "She was teasing me and so I decided to carry her here, since you guys have a shoot anyway, be happy you didn't have to walk" he says and pats my thigh "I' going to murder you in your sleep" I say under my breath "You love me don't deny it" he says and I kick my legs in protest "Oh my god, what is happening?" I hear Tanner say and Woods start laughing "He won't put me down!" I yell at them. He finally put me down and we start the REKT shoot.

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