You Should Think About It More

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I walk in and go straight to the shower. I get out and put my hair in the twisty towel thing and wrap another towel around me and I walk to my room and get dressed. I fold my work clothes and my extra jeans and socks (because of the shoot) and I put them in my bag and then I walk into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair. 'why do I feel like dating Woods is wrong? Something doesn't feel right' I think, but I shake it off as me being anxious and finish doing my makeup and hair. I grab my boots, helmet, gloves and bag and walk downstairs I put them by the door and then I walk to the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal. 'Does he just want free sex?' I think to myself 'I don't wanna seen easy' I continue and I space out for a moment thinking about why I feel so bad about dating Woods, then I over poured my milk and if overflowed onto the counter and onto the floor "Shit" I say out loud and stop pouring and put the milk down and then grabbed a towel and started cleaning it all up.

After all that Connor walks in and taps the top of my head "Morning" he says and  grunt in return "You okay? You look out of it." he asks "Nah, I'm good, just tired" I replied and drank the extra milk that was in my bowl and then wiped off the outside of the bowl and want to go sit at the table. 'This just feels so wrong. I don't understand! What the fuck is wrong with me?! Am I being easy? I'm pretty much having an affair with 2 guys and I can't deal with this.' I think as I slowly eat my cereal.

Connor's POV

I sit down with Tristyn and she is eating really slowly and just staring at the table. 'She can't be this tired' I think and shove a bagel in my mouth. "Tristyn" I say loud enough for her to hear but she didn't even flinch "Tristyn!" I say louder "Hm?" she says and looks at me and shoves the spoon in her mouth "You're not tired. What's wrong you can tell me." I said and crinkled my brows. "No seriously, everything is good, I don't know but I guess I'm just more out of it that usual." she says and rubs the back of her neck and chuckles. She stands up and finishes her cereal and then washes the bowl and puts it away and then walks over to the door. "I'm gonna leave early because I have to edit a few videos that I didn't finish, so I'll see you later. Love you." she said and stood up and grabbed her keys and helmet and left. 'What the hell is up with her?' I think to myself and finish getting ready.

~~Time Skip After Work~~

Tristyn's POV

I unlocked the door and walked in and trudged to my room and fell face down on the bed "I'm so fucking tired" I say to myself then I heard a car outside and I disregarded it. Seconds later I heard the doorbell ring, I quietly cried to myself and got up and walked to the door. "Guy! Back so soon?" I asked and gave Nana and Mr. Carson a hug "We got the approval from your uncle to live here and take care of you kids!" Nana explained "So we need to know your guys' schedules so we can help you guys out." Mr. Carson said and we walked to the living room and sat down "Well, we work 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning to 5:00, and then we either order food or make something from whatever we have." I explain our daily routines and our lifestyle habits and everything. "Okay then we can get up at 7:00 make you guys breakfast and coffee and tea." Nana said and looked at Mr. Carson "I'm down, we of course just need to talk to Connor, but I assume he'll like the idea too. But Mr. Carson, I have a request" I ask "Yes sweetheart?" he replies and raises his eyebrows "Can we be less formal and call you Papa?" I ask, my hands fidgeting "Of course! I don't mind that at all, Since you already call Ms. Bartley Nana why not? And we are technically your grandparents" he said, and a smile grown on my face.

"Now, let's not dress formal, dress however you want to dress. You don't need to be in a uniform. Unless you want to, but I want you to be comfortable, and I don't want you to feel like you're working for us, and I don't want others to feel uncomfortable when they come over and see a couple in uniform. Not that anything is wrong with that, but I just don't want to seem egotistical." I explain "Oh, thank you honey, our uniforms are such a hassle to put on us old people, especially alone." Nana explains "Oh yes, my tuxedo is very uncomfortable." Papa adds "So there you go, you dress and act as you want, get as comfortable as you want." I say and then I lead them o the rooms upstairs and I let them pick the rooms they like. "You can move in as soon as you'd like, and if you need any help, I'm here and Connor is coming home in a few, so take your time." I explain and leave them to their rooms.

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