What Happened?

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Tristyn's POV

"I really am sorry" Gunner said and let me go and walked out of the room. 'I feel so guilty' I think and close the door and sit down, I grab my cup and take a drink and sink into my chair. 'I have to help him' I think to myself. I put my cup don't and run out and walk into Matt's office "Hey love, where is Gunner going?" I ask "He's going to the hospital to get his nose checked out" he said, I walk over to him and grab his face and kiss him "Thank you, I'm leaving early, I'll finish editing when I get home" I say run out of his office and close the door and run to mine and grab my helmet and gloves, 'I'm not gonna change, there's no time' I say and grab my keys and my phone, and run out of my office and down the stairs and I run to Orange Base and to Connor's Office, 'he's not in here', I almost collided with Paul. "Hey what's the rush?" he asked "Oh, Perfect" I say and I grab his hand with my free hand "Paul darling, can you do me a solid?" I ask "S-Sure" he stutters "Can you tell Connor, I'm leaving early, I need to fix something" I say and kiss him on the cheek, and wink and run towards the warehouse "Thanks, love!" I say and open the door to the warehouse and run to the back and to my bike.

Paul's POV

I walk out of Tanner's Office and almost collide with Tristyn "Hey what's the rush?" I ask "Oh, Perfect" she says and grabs my hand "Paul darling, can you do me a solid?" she asks 'god her hands are so soft, and her eyes are so green, and wow she smells like flowers' I think to myself "S-Sure" I stutter "Can you tell Connor, I'm leaving early, I need to fix something" she asks and she kisses my cheek, and winks and run towards the warehouse "Thanks, love!" she says and opens the door and takes off. I melt a little and slowly walk to Connor's office, 'where is he?' I ask myself and I see him walking outside and I walk over to him "Hey Tristyn left early, she said she had to fix something" I explain "Oh okay, I was looking for her, I was going to ask if she could help me take thumbnail pictures but I guess I can ask someone else." he said and then walked into Orange and I followed him inside "Do you wanna help me with the pictures? Not to take them but to be my comedic relief? Wait wow, what happened to your face it's super red" he said, "I-I don't know" I lied and he just shrugged it off "WAIT!" he yelled "Was it because you talked to Tristyn?" he accused "Um" I said, my brain just shut down I don't know what to tell him "It is, I knew it. Now I'm not going to be that brother but please, if you're going to be around her, don't try and get in her pants like Gunner is." he said.

'Gunner's trying to get in her pants?' I think and start getting a bit angry. "I have more respect than that. Now I will be honest, she is very attractive and a very nice person, but I'm not interested in her, like Woods, Gunner or Tanner" I say lying that I don't have feelings for her "Good, but out of all the guys, you're the one I trust the most" he says "That's great to hear that you trust me" I say and smile.

Gunner's POV

I get in my truck and start it, and start driving to the Urgent Care that is nearby. 'Do I really like Tristyn that much?' I think 'Well she is perfect in everyway, physically, socially' I continue 'So far I just want the same thing Matt got' I pout 'I wanna see this badass chick shirtless' I think and sink into my seat a bit and pout. I make it to the Urgent Care a bit later. I walk in sign in with the lady and she hands me a clipboard and says fill it out. I sit down and I hear the door open and I glance over "Tristyn?" I ask out loud and stand up and walk over to her "What are you doing here?" I ask her and she takes her helmet off and grabs my hand and pulls me outside. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I treated you, and I'm sorry for punching you in the face." she says and looks down at her feet "I'm okay baby, don't worry. I deserved it and you showed me that you're not that kind of person and I want you to know that I now know to never do that to anyone ever." I say and smile and she looks up at me and gives a small smile "Well baby, can you do me a favor?" I ask "Hm?" she hums "Wanna stay here with me and find out the damage?" I ask "Only if you want me to." she replied and I put my hand under her chin and kiss her.

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