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Alyssa's POV

I wake up and my hangover was gone. I look up and the ceiling and see the time '4:16 pm' "Shit" I said out loud and got in the shower. I got out a bit later and blow dried my hair and then I walked into the living room and see Tristyn full faced and like always drinking tea and reading "I need make up, can I use yours?" I ask and she looks up at me and closes her book and walks to her room and opens a door, it looks like a closet door but it's a bathroom, with perfect lighting "This is where I do my make up" she says and then opens the cabinet under the sink and there are shelves of makeup she opens the drawers and there is also makeup. The bottom drawer has hair stuff "Just go for it" she say and sits on the toilet and keeps me company. We talk as I do my make up and laugh and joke around.

After about an hour I finish my hair and do Tristyn's hair and we walk out and start getting dressed, I hear a knock on the door and Tristyn goes to answer it, I zip up as much of I could nd walk out, I see Matt, Paul, Nichole and Sam "Damn you guys look hot" I say and give everyone a hug, I pull my hair to the side and turn around and Tristyn zips up the rest of the dress "You look good too" Paul said "Thank you" I say and then Connor walks out and he also looks really good "I'll go grab our heels" I said and walked to the room 'I wish Tanner was coming' I say and walk out, I had Tristyn her heels and we all sit in the living room and banter and Tristyn gets up and a seconds later comes out with a full tea set "Would you guys like some tea?" she asks, they all nod in agreeance and she pours some in each cup.

Matt's POV

I knock on the door and Tristyn answers "You look really good" I say she smiles "You're not bad looking yourself" she replied and we all walk in and then Alyssa walks in and "Damn you guys look hot" she says and gives us all hugs. We go sit in the living room and I just can't stop staring at Tristyn, she looks incredible. She gets up and brings tea and we all start drinking and talking and laughing. I look down at my watch '5:43' "Alright guys it's time to go" I say and we put our cups on the tray I take it to the kitchen and we all walk out. "Okay, you guys know how to walk into these fancy places right?" Tristyn asks, we all mumble in confusion "Okay one girl for each, so like Paul and Nichole and Sam with Matt and myself with Connor, well since we are uneven Matt, since he is the tallest, and the main guy, will take both Sam and Alyssa, so Matt your hands will be on their waists and we walk in." Tristyn explains 'I wish I could hold Tristyn' I think "Okay" we all mumble. (AN: That is how you're supposed to do it, I legit was forced to take edicate classes)

A few minutes later we make it and I see Tristyn texting something. We walk in and the man looked at all of us "Reservation or walk in?" he asked "Reservation, under Connor" I say and he looks down and pulls out multiple menus. We walk with him to the table and there is an extra chair, so there is an open seat next to Alyssa. We sit the ladies down and then we sit down and he hands us the menus and puts down and extra, I look at Tristyn, and motion my eyes to the empty seat, she looks at Alyssa and then back at me and winks.

After a few minutes I see someone wearing a grey suit walking towards us. Alyssa looks over and a smile grows on her face and stands up and hugs him. He hugs back and then pushes her in and sits down "I didn't know you were coming." I said "Tristyn and I wanted to keep it a surprise for Alyssa." he said and smiles at her, I've never seen anyone look the way that Tanner and Alyssa look at each other. I look over at Tristyn and see her covering her mouth with the menu and talking to Connor, his eyes go wide and then she puts it down and I look at her and she smiles and winks, and then looks back at the menu.

We get our food and then Alyssa looks at Tristyn. She slows down her movements and folds the napkin where all of us can see, the girls follow and then they all smile "Now remember girls, back straight and don't touch the table or the back of your chair with your torso. Never cut your food any bigger that the fork prongs and wipe your mouth with the inside of the corner you folded with your napkin. And most important, cross your ankles not you knees." She explains and they all adjust their postures and their eating habits.

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