Secretly Pregnant (Part III)

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9 Months Later // The Day Of  Labor

*Your POV*
The contractions we getting worse and worse and time went on. My pants were wet from my water breaking earlier. The baby is kicking. I feel awful. I'm doing this for Carl.

Maggie has been with me all day. She's going to help me deliver this baby. "Have you devided on names yet?" Maggie asked me.

"Umm.. I've been thinking that if its a girl, I'll name her Lori or Callie. If its a boy.." I paused for a moment, thinking of saying 'Carl' for the boys name but I couldn't, "If its a boy.. Carter." I finished. My voice cracked when I said that because my contractions felt like a hammer hitting my uterus.

"I remember Lori.." Maggie said, sadly. "Lets check your dilation." She finished- quickly changing the subject.

"I wish Carl was here for this." I said without tears. "He deserves to meet this baby as soon as it comes out." I said.

"He does.." Maggie said, "You're 10 centimeters dilated. It's time to push." She summed up.

Well, this is it. You're about to meet the baby you've been carrying for 9 months. You can't back out now. 'For Carl' you thought.

The pushing began. It hurt really bad but it was barable for you. Less than 8 minutes later, the baby was in Maggie arms. She gave you pain medicine through your IV almost right after cutting the chord so you don't feel the fire burning below.

"Congradulations, its a girl." She said happily. "Is it Lori, or Callie?" She needed confirmation.

"Its..." I thought about Rick in this moment- the name Lori would just kill him. "Its Carla (Car-la)" I finished.

"Beautiful." Maggie said. She quickly gave the baby a bath, messured her, and put a diaper and clothes on her. She gave her to me and Carla looked exactly like a baby version of Carl.

It was just Maggie and I for the rest of the day. She was making sure I wasn't getting a fever, helped with the baby, etc. We agreed to allow visitors tomorrow.

*The Next Day*

Rick came to visit the baby, being her grandfather and all.

"Shes umm.. She's beautiful, Y/n." He said a little surprised and shocked. "She looks a lot like Carl." He finished.

"I noticed that. The eyes sparkle like his when the babys in my arms and she looks at me. Like she knows I'm her mother. Her name is Carla." I said.

"Carla. Carla Grimes." He said laughing a little.

"I hope you don't mind the name.. we were going to go with Lori but I thought about your reaction to that and didn't want to." I said.

"No, Carla is perfect. Suits her." Rick said, smiling.


People came throughout the day to visit Carla. They all adored her and how much she looked like her dad. I got to walk outside of the medical trailer after a day. I got to see the sun shine and shimmer with my baby's eyes.

Everything was perfect.

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