Welcome to your new life.

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Lola fell asleep somewhere along the line, and only woke up when her mother gently shook her shoulder, whispering in her ear,

"Lola, we're home. Come say goodbye."

Lola groaned and opened her eyes. Her mother helped her stand, though she teetered on her feet. Lola shuffled out of the jet, leaning on her mother's shoulder, and found her family standing there, waiting for her.

"Lola!" Laura cried out, tears welling in her eyes. She rushed over and gently hugged Lola.

"When I came home, and you were gone, and there was all those bullets and blood.." Laura starts, but then Lola interrupts her.

"I'm ok. I'm fine." Lola says softly, her voice creaking.

"Can you say goodbye to the kids?" Laura whispered, and Lola nodded. Laura stepped to the side, and the two children came rushing up to Lola.

"I'm gonna miss you Lola." Cooper said, and Lola ruffled his hair.

"You to Coop." She said softly.

"I love you Lola." Lila said, hugging her leg.

"I love you more Lila." Lola said, hugging the girl. Then her uncle stepped forwards, Nathaniel in his arms, a backpack and long red bundle in the other.

"By Nathaniel." Lola said softly, pinching his chubby cheek.

"Your sword." Clint said in a comical way, presenting the red bundle to Lola. The girl grew a evil smirk, and then hugged her uncle.

"Love ya kid." Clint said softly.

"Love you to." Lola replied.

"Here. I packed it with all of your sketchbooks and drawing supplies, along with snacks, bandages, and 6 different outfits." Laura said, taking the backpack from her husband and handing it to Lola.

"Thank you." Lola said softly.

"Stay safe." Laura said to her.

"Thank you guys so much." Natasha said loudly.

"Anytime Tasha. We're your family." Clint replied, and Natasha walked over and hugged him tightly, before walking back to the jet. Lola slowly turned and followed everyone as they climbed back on the jet, leaving the Bartons standing there.

"Lola?" A voice suddenly called out from the trees, and Lola spun around, dropping her bag and sword on the floor of the jet with a thud.

"Grant." Lola said softly, wincing.

"What's going on Lolo? What is all this?" The boy said, stepping out of the cover of the trees and rushing foreword to meet Lola.

"Well your not stupid. I'm guessing that you figured out a long time ago that uncle Clint was Hawkeye." Lola said with a smile.

"Yeah, but I though that it wasn't my place to bother you guys- wait uncle Clint?" Grant exclaimed, running his hand through his tousled brown hair.

"Yep. I'm sorry I had to keep it from you." Lola said.

"So if I'm not talking to Lola Barton, the nerdy artist, who am I talking to?" Grant said in confusion. Lola took a step back and smirked. She spread her arms out wide and flourished them.

"The name is Lola Coulson-Barton Romanoff, nerdy artist, Avenger, and telekinetic badass." She said.

"What?" Grant breathed, eyes wide.

"I said, my last name is Romanoff, I'm a telekinetic Avenger." Lola said with sass.

"Oh my god. Could you show me your powers?" Grant said in excitement.

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