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-Hungary- 3 weeks after Civil War-

The girl in the blue jeans, converse, and black sweatshirt with the hood pulled up, stood at a market stand.

"Mennyi pénzt a tojásoknak?" How much money for the eggs? The girl said, showing her money, and the wrinkled old woman looked down at her over her nose.

"Elég van" You have enough. The old woman said, her wrinkled fingers scraping the girl's palm as she took some of the money, handing her a carton of eggs in trade.

"Köszönöm!" Thank you! The girl said, taking the carton and tucking it under her arm, before slipping back into the crowd.

"Go!" The woman said in English to the young woman hiding behind the counter next to her. The girl stood up, dressed in all black. She quickly trailed behind the girl carrying the eggs, making sure to stay hidden.


Lola trudged down the dirty alleyway, kicking up dirty snow and cigarette butts. Her reflection appeared in a dirty puddle on the ground, and she groaned. Her hair was greasy, and there were dark circles under her eyes.

She reached the end of the alleyway, and looked behind her. When she saw that there wasn't a soul in sight, she used her powers to float up to the fire escape on the side of the building, climbing through the window of the abandoned building. She walked across the crunching broken glass, out into the dark, dirty, abandoned hallway. Hopping through a large hole in the floor, she floated down a level, before walking down this hall, till she reached a door. She opened it, and entered the tiny apartment. The candles they lit made up for the fact that there was no electricity. In the flickering light, four figures could be seen.

"I got the eggs." Lola announced, her accent thick, setting the carton on the counter of the kitchenette. She pulled her hood down, letting her dirty braid fall out.

"Anybody see you?" Steve said, taking the eggs from her and opening the window, setting the eggs with the other perishable items in the snow on the fire escape.

"Nope." Lola said, sitting crosslegged in the dirty floor.

"I need a shower." She announced loudly.

"We can all have one." Natasha says from her place by the window, her binoculars raised to her eyes as she watched something. She turned back to everyone and smiled.

"Mrs. Shower left the window of her apartment open, when she went to work." Natasha said. 'Mrs. Shower' was the name they had given the old woman who always left her apartment window open, which is how they broke in to shower and wash clothing when she went to work every four days.

"Great. Let's go." Wanda said, standing.

"I call first!" Lola said, grabbing her backpack, and rushing over to the window and opening it, climbing onto the fire escape. She used her powers to fly over to the open window of Mrs. Shower, climbing inside and rushing to the bathroom, leaving Wanda to fly everyone across the gap and inside.

As Lola climbed out of her clothes and into the hot water of the shower, she smiled. She used the soap to wash under her arms and her face, scrubbing away the grime as best she could. She shampooed her hair, lathering the grease and dirt away. When all the soap was gone, she reluctantly climbed out.

This was the worst part. So that nobody knew they were there, the only way they were allowed to dry off was with a washcloth. Mrs. Shower never noticed the 5 wet washcloths in her dirty laundry bin. Lola dried off as best she could, and then opened her backpack, getting her last set of clean clothes out.

She put on the black underwear and sports bra, before slipping on the black tank top, black jeans, and socks and converse. She pulled on her grey hooded fleece, and then opened the bathroom door, trudging out into the living room, Wanda taking her place in the bathroom.

"Bring your clothes over." Natasha said to Lola, from her place by the washing machine. Hers, Wanda's, Steve's, and Sam's clothes were already in the load, but they needed Lola's to start the wash. Lola pulled the dirty clothes out and stuffed them into the large and full washer, before her mother slammed it shut, starting the wash.

Lola trudged over to the couch, and flopped down next to Sam.

"Hey look at this." Sam said, handing Lola the local paper he was reading.

Rights for Inhumans Peaceful Protest.

The headline read, and Lola rapidly read through the article. In a underground venue at 20 pm tonight, there was supposed to be a huge peaceful protest for the rights of Inhumans.

"Could I go?" Lola said, showing Steve. Nobody was sure if Lola was Inhuman, but she has always vaguely related to the race of powered people.

Steve took the newspaper from Lola, and scanned the article.

"I don't see why not." He said, and Lola grinned.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Natasha said.

"No, you guys are too recognizable. It's dangerous to be spotted." Lola said, Natasha smiled at her daughters good instincts.

"Just be home by midnight." Steve said,  and Lola laughed.

"Ok fairy godmother." She said with a smirk.

"What did you say kid? I can't understand you. It's like your accent has gotten thicker.." Sam teased, and Lola smacked him.

"Hülye Amerikai ember." Stupid American man. Lola said to him, and he glared at her.

"If you just insulted me.." He says with a teasingly threatening tone, and Lola laughs.


At 9:45, Lola raced down the dirty street, her braid and backpack smacking against her back as she did.

She didn't notice the figure trailing behind her in the shadows.

Lola raced down the cement steps, and came to the entrance to the underground venue. Bouncers stood at the doorway, though Lola didn't know what for. As she trudged up, a bouncer asked,

"Embertelen vagy polgári?" Inhuman, or civilian? The large man said, and Lola gave him a odd look, before saying slowly,

"Miért akarod tudni?" Why do you want to know?

"A végén egy könnyű bemutató lesz a karkötőkkel, melyeket az Inhumánok viselnek, hogy megmutassák az egységet." There's going to be a light show at the end with bracelets that the Inhumans wear, to show unity.

"Oh. Embertelen vagyok." Lola responds, and the man nods, snapping a bracelet on her wrist.

As Lola walks into the crowd, a girl in all black walks up behind her.

"Embertelen vagy polgári?" Inhuman, or civilian? The bouncer asks.

"Polgári." Civilian. The girl says, strolling past him without a second glance, her eyes locked on her target, the girl with the long black braid.

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