Chapter 4

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Garmadon sat impatiently waiting for Lloyd "It's only two days, I don't see why he's so worked up about it." The warlord muttered

"He's never exactly been happy to call you his father." Misacko replied as she handed Garmadon a cup of tea

"Why not?"

"People hate him because of you." Misacko sighed "They think he's evil." Suddenly the phone rang, Misacko rushed to pick it up "Hello?" She answered "Hello Wu." She listened for a moment "What do you mean Lloyd is with you? He just went to his room fifteen minutes ago." Misacko sighed "I'll be right there to get him." She hung up "Seems he snuck out the fire escape. Again."

"He does this often?"

"Once or twice a month, mostly when he doesn't want to do something. He either goes to a friend's house or to Wu's boat." Misacko replied as she grabbed her phone "Do you want to come, or are you going to keep snooping around my kitchen?"

Garmadon stood "I'll come."

"Not in the mech. He would be embarrassed enough as it is."

"Fine. I'll take the motor-"

"No motorcycle."

"Fine. I'll ride with you then."


Lloyd sat quietly on the dock with his friends and his uncle "So why did you run away?" Nya asked

"My mom is making me go stay the weekend in my father's volcano."

The group gasped "No way!" Kai exclaimed

"Exactly. Exactly Kai."

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon!" A voice shouted

"Aaaaaaand my mom is here." Lloyd looked over to his mom "and so's my dad, go hide the mechs!" He exclaimed quietly

"Lloyd I know you do t want to stay with your father, but you're going to." Misacko scolded Lloyd

"It'll be good to have some father-son time, right Lloyd?" Garmadon said, trying to get Lloyd to want to come

"Not really." Lloyd replied as he glared at his dad "Mom please I really can't go. I promised Kai I would make it this weekend."

"Lloyd I said no." Misacko replied plainly

"Mom, please."

"You're staying with your father for the weekend and that's final. And because you ran off, I had to pack your things for you. Your bag is in the car."

"Hey, Mrs.Garmadon." Kai said as he and the others walked over to the three "Hey Garmadon."

"That's Lord Garmadon to you." Garmadon grumbled

"Please stop." Lloyd sighed as he burried his face in his hand "Please stop ruining my life."

"Lloyd we need to get going." Misacko said

"No." Lloyd murmured "I'm not going to go to his stupid volcano! I refuse." Lloyd yelled

"Lloyd. Do you want to be grounded?"

"I won't go to his stupid volcano lair!" Lloyd shouted as he ran away from his mom and the rest of the group

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