Chapter 35

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Lloyd sighed as he plopped down on to his bed. The bruises on his wrists painfully throbbed. "Ugh. Ow." He mumbled as he looked at his wrist, it was black and blue, same with the other. "Why do I always get kidnapped?" He mumbled as he pulled the blanket over his head

"Lloyd." A voice called, followed by rapid tapping on Lloyd's bedroom window

Lloyd sat up and looked at the window, the blanket falling as he did. "Hey Kai." He sighed tiredly

"You doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Just making sure." Kai smiled

"I'm fine Kai." Lloyd checked the time "Are you sure you shouldn't be at home? We have school tomorrow."

"My mom thinks I'm out getting a present for your birthday."

Lloyd could see Kai's gi "You have patrol?"

"Yeah, I was gonna stop by the store afterwards and get you a present."

"I could go on patrol with you."

"Sure, I could use someone to talk to."


The two Ninja jumped from rooftop to rooftop across the city. "Lloyd! What do you want for your birthday?" Kai asked

Lloyd stopped 'Legos. I want legos.' he thought "Eh, nothing really. Maybe a few books, and some Lego sets."

"You just want Legos don't you?" Kai asked laughing

"Yeah. I want Legos." Lloyd laughed slightly

"Good, I have an idea of what you want. Star Wars right?"

"Yep. Or Harry Potter." Lloyd replied "Or that show we watched in like 8th grade that was about Ninja and Snake people."

"You still watch that?"

"Well yeah, there's like 9 seasons now."

"Well, okay then... How many seasons were there when I stopped watching?"


"So I'm like 4 seasons behind."



Suddenly alarms blared through the streets. "What's that?" Lloyd asked as  a motorcycle sped down the street

"Looks like a motorbike." Kai mumbled as he texted Nya "The others are on their way."

"Okay, I'll find a way to head it off."


"What? Kai, seriously-"

"No. You got kidnapped already, I... I don't want that to happen again."


"Go back to your apartment. Stay there."



Lloyd sighed in defeat. If it had been anyone else from the team, they would've had to drag him back to his apartment. Kai had always been the only one Lloyd listened to. "Fine. I better see you at school tomorrow."

"Yeah yeah yeah."


Lloyd lay asleep in his room, when a loud crash was heard from the kitchen. He sat up, and went to check it out. In the kitchen, shattered bowls, glass cups, and broken silverware lay strewn across the floor. "What in the world?" He questioned as he picked up a broken fork

"Lloyd? What's going on in here?" Garmadon asked as he walked into the dark room, flipping the light switch on. His eyes widened when he saw the mess "What happened?"

Lloyd yawned "I don't know, I heard a crash, came out to see what happened and found this." Lloyd said gesturing to the mess

"Strange." Garmaodn mumbled, spotting a piece of  paper. Lloyd shrugged as he went to get a broom and a dust pan to sweep up the broken bowls, cups, and silverware. Garmaodn grabbed the paper, and read what it said.

'Evil Freak.' It read, with a small drawing of Lloyd with horns and lightning coming out of his hands. Garmadon sighed. "What's that Dad?" Lloyd asked as he came back in. He saw the drawing. "Oh..."

"Lloyd, I thought they stopped doing this."

"They did, it's an old one... From like freshman year..."

"Lloyd. You're a sophomore."

"Yeah, so it was from last year. So what. They've stopped doing that now."

Garmadon sighed and set the note on the table. "Just tell me, if anything like this happens. Okay?"

Lloyd forced a smile "Okay Dad."

"I'll clean this up, you get back to bed."

"Okay. G'night."

"Good Night Son."

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