Chapter 11

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Lloyd struggled as the helicopter landed. "Let go of me!" He shouted as two of the snakes dragged him out into the boiling desert air.

"Sssstop squirming boy!" The Hypnobri, Lloyd had learned his name was Skales, complained as he and Skalidor, the Constrictai, dragged Lloyd over to a cage.

"What do you want with me?" Lloyd asked as Pythor slithered over to him

"Did you really think that only you, your friends, and your parents, knew who the Green Ninja really is?" Pythor laughed. "It's not at all hard to figure out."

"Pythor." Skales said as he slithered over to the cage that held Lloyd "Fangtom is  ready, when you give the word."

'Isn't Fangtom the Fang... Oh no. Fangtom is the Fangpyre.' Lloyd's eye widened. Pythor laughed and nodded. Skales mans a gesture for Fangtom to come over. Lloyd backed up to the back of the cage. Pythor grabbed Lloyd's arm through the bar and pulled it towards the Fangpyre General. "No! Let go!" Lloyd yelled as Fangtom bit his forearm "NO!" Lloyd yelled as pain seared through his arm, moments later he collapsed. 


Kai and Jay rode across the desert in their mechs. Nya speaking to them over the comms. "The last Serpentine sighting was nearly sixteen years ago, a large purple snake, most likely an Anacondrai." Nya stopped for a moment "Which should've been impossible, considering all the Anacondrai were banished to the Cursed Realm long before that."

"Just tell us where the Serpentine might've taken Lloyd, Nya." Kai said plainly

"The Lost City of Oraborus."

"The Lost City of what?" Jay asked

"Oraborus, the ancient city of the Serpentine." Nya grumbled something under her breath "The coordinates were lost ages ago, but it's where the Serpentine worshipped a snake, we all know a bit to well."

"The Great Devourer." Wu said in the background "The very snake that turned my brother evil."

"You think they took Lloyd there?" Kai asked

"Yes." Nya typed something "Kai, did Lloyd have his phone on him when he was kidnapped?"

"Yeah, he had it in his hoodie pocket, why?"

"He has a phone I can track." Nya exclaimed "I'll find the coordinates, and send them to you!"


Lloyd sat up in the small cage he was trapped in. "Ugh." Pain flooded through his arm. Remembering what had happened, he slowly went to look at the wound in his arm, expecting to see scales, but found nothing out of the ordinary, just a wound, and his skin tone, he poked the tip of one of his canines, seeing if he had fangs, nothing different, his tooth was just as pointy as always. He could hear Pythor and Fangtom fighting off in the distance.

"Why isn't he changing!?" Pythor shouted at the Fangpyre

"I don't know why he issssn't changing!" Fangtom yelled back "Perhaps he is immune."

"No one is immune to Fangpyre venom you idiot." Pythor growled "No one." 

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