Chapter 21

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Lloyd and Kai walked down the hall of Ninjago High. No one walked up to them and insulted them, no one threw paper wads at them. "What's up with everyone?" Kai asked Lloyd

"I got them a free day in gym." Lloyd replied


"I participated in Gym Class."

"You, and Gym Class, should not be in the same sentence."

"The gym teacher didn't believe that I knew so many martial arts. I proved him wrong."

"So, in other words, people won't try to beat you up for a while?"

"Yeah, pretty much. But that could end at any time, so enjoy it while it lasts." Lloyd muttered as they reached his locker "though, they might just be afraid that I'll fight back now." Lloyd mumbled as he dug through his locker for his laptop "Kai, did I leave my laptop at your place?"

"No, you came back in to get it after you left. Why?"

"It wasn't in my apartment, and it's not here either." Lloyd complained

"It was probably stolen when you walked home."

"My mom's gonna kill me."

"Yeah, she probably will."

"How many periods until school's over?"

"Two. Gym and Homeroom."

"How'd you know I have gym?"

"I'm in your gym class Lloyd." Kai sighed "Jay, Zane, Cole, Nya, and I are in your Gym class." Kai laughed "we just actually go to class."

"Oh. You see, I'd know that, if I actually go to gym."

"Yeah I know." Kai smiled as they headed to gym "Let's go get your gym grade back out of the ditches."


"Today, you will be climbing ropes, and climbing over walls." The gym teacher ordered "Any volunteers?" He shouted. Lloyd shrugged and stepped forward. "Garmadon?"

"Eh, why not?" Lloyd shrugged as he walked over to the rope

The teacher pulled out a timer and shouted "GO!"

Lloyd grabbed the rope and climbed up to the top in seconds flat, then he dropped a few feet, swung on the rope and flipped in the air over to the wooden wall, landing halfway up the wall, grabbing the beams of wood, and climbing. At the top, he front flipped off the wall, landing on his feet. He looked towards his classmates, hardly breaking a sweat. "How was that?" Lloyd asked

"That.... 25 seconds, up the rope. 13 seconds up the wall." The gym teacher said, shocked "38 seconds. How did you...?"

"Uuuh....... I'm athletic?" Lloyd replied

Kai sighed as Lloyd walked over to the group "Lloyd, you can't just show off like that."

"I wasn't."

"You front flipped off the wall!"

"Okay, geez calm down."

Suddenly the alarm rang. "That hasn't gone off in weeks." The gym teacher frowned in confusion.

"My dad has been weirdly quiet lately." Lloyd mumbled as several shark themed soldiers busted down the door

Everyone looked at Lloyd "Man, and right when people started treating you like a human being too." Jay said, earning a glare from Lloyd

"Everyone run!" Lloyd and Kai yelled, ignoring Jay

"Why should we listen to you Garmatrash, you probably called them here!" Some jock asked

"Because if you don't you deal with my dad's soldiers."

The group of people looked at the shark themed people "Fair enough."

The group of people ran as Lloyd moved to a fighting stance, ready to fight the generals "Just come quietly kid, your Dad wants to see you." One said as two more grabbed Lloyd from behind

"No!" Lloyd shouted struggling to get out of their grip "Let go of me!" One of the generals kicked Lloyd's legs, knocking him to the ground

"Lloyd! His friends yelled as they ran back inside

"Guys! Help!" Lloyd yelled as he tried to stand. Suddenly, the building began to shake. The ceiling was ripped off the gymnasium, and there stood a mech. And in the mech, was Garmadon.

"Well that's just wonderful!" Cole yelled sarcastically

The mech reached into the school, and grabbed Lloyd. "Let me go!" Lloyd yelled as the mech raised him to see his father. "Let me go!" Lloyd squirmed about in the mech's grip. He glared at Garmadon "You attack at the worst possible times."

"Why's that?"

"People were just starting to treat me like a normal person, like a person in general!"

"You're not a normal person. You're my son."

"What?! So now I'm your son!? Do you think that the scars I have are all from fighting you?" Lloyd yelled "Because they're not." He glared "They're from being beat up, from being shoved in lockers, heck, one of them is from a pair of scissors!"


"The only reason I let myself get beat up by all my classmates, is because I don't hurt people, I don't hurt the people I protect." Lloyd saw his classmates out of the corner of his eye. He knew that he shouldn't fight his father, not now. But he had to. To protect Ninjago. He looked his father in the eye, and created a ball of green energy in his hands. He threw it at the arm of the mech that held him so far off the ground. The arm, and Lloyd, fell. Tears filled his eyes 'So this is how I die?'

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