The Rage of Bucky, and a date

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"Guess what, Happy" Dawn said as she got into the car.

Happy had grown fond of the girl, there was just something about her. Of course he knew about her past. Tony had told him everything.

"Yeah, kiddo" He replied.

"I shall be out tonight. With a boy." She said happily.

Happy slammed his foot down on the brake as the car screeched loudly and came to a holt.

"What?" He said, turning around.

"Yes I know. It's great. He's called Flash." She said with a grin.

"I can't wait to tell Bucky." She added on.

"Maybe that's not such a good idea." Happy Said as he started the car up again.

"Why?" Dawn asked.

"Just. Just trust me on this one." He Replied.

"I'll tell him." She said.

"Let me know how that goes" he said quietly.

It was silent in the car for a while. Until Dawn decided to break that.

"We got a lot of homework." She said, complaining.

Happy just laughed.

They pulled up to the Tower. Dawn jumped out and ran inside.

"Buck. Bucky!" She called, or, yelled out.

Bucky came at once. "Hello Dawn." He said as Steve, Tony, Natasha and Vision came in.

"Guess what." She said excitedly.

"You're mad and I'm not?" Tony asked.

Dawn gave him a small glare. "No."

Bucky seemed to just ignore Tony. "What is it Dawn?"

"I'm going out tonight. On something called a date. With a nice boy called Flash. Though he didn't se-" She was cut off by Bucky yelling.


"Buck. Bucky, please." Steve tried to calm him down. He placed a hand on his back and made Bucky take a deep breath.

"Dawn. When you see him, tell him to go jump off a cliff. Preferably a very high one with shark infested waters." Bucky said, trying to keep a calm face but also seeming to be angry.

"I don't mean to be a bother." Vision Said cutting in. "But that might not be a good idea. And because you have suggested it, have you considered what the government would think?" He said.

"Keep your mouth shut, glow stick." Bucky snapped.

"I hate to say it. But I agree with Buckaroo here." Sam said. Out of nowhere. Again.

"Really, Sam?" Tony exclaimed.

Sam smirked. "Yeah. Again."

"What is the time?" Dawn asked.

"Nearly four. Why?" Natasha said, raising an eyebrow.

Dawns eyes widened in alarm. "I'm must go." She cried. The movie, Flash had said, started at four thirty.

"Come on." Natasha said. "I'll drive" she said grabbing Tony's keys to his Lamborghini. "And have a word with this guy." She muttered.

"I'll come." Bucky said following Natasha. "And pound his face." He said as an after thought.

Natasha slapped him, but was thinking the same thing.

Dawn sighed a little bit went with them for the semi short drive to where Flash was waiting.


"There He is." Dawn said. "Okay. Bye now." She said trying to walk off.

"Agh. Not so fast little miss." Natasha said.

Flash spotted Dawn and called her over.
"Dawn. Hurry up. The movies gonna start."

Bucky went ahead. When Flash saw him, his eyes went wide and he cowered. Bucky seemed to be having a very stern word with him.

Once Bucky had finished, Flash looked as if he had wet himself. He pulled Dawn into the cinema quickly to go to their movie.

"You got money for the tickets, right?" Bucky asked.

Natasha held up a fifty dollar bill.

*Back at the tower*

"Guys. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have Bucky out in public so soon after. You know" Steve said.

"Well no kidding" Sam said.

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