The Plan

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Thank you CarlienSlabbert

"Hey Mr. Rogers." Peter said as he walked into the Tower.

"Peter." Steve said rushing over to him. "I need to know, have you seen, Dawn?"

"No Mr. Rogers. Last time I saw her.."

"What? Where?"

"She was with Flash. But I don't think she stayed with him. Mr Rogers she hasn't been acting like herself."

"How So?"

Peter stared at him. "Rude Mr Rogers. She said things I know she wouldn't say normally."

"She's probably just with Flash. Moody teenager." He said relaxing himself.

"No Mr Rogers. This isn't like her. You need to help me."

"Relax kid. She'll be alright."

Peter looked at him again before turning around and going to look for her.

Dawn looked around the room as she started to wake. It looked the same from yesterday. Quickly, she shot up and looked down on the floor.

It was a cleaner part of the floor. It didn't have any blood on this area.

I don't want to hurt my friends.

If you don't, how will you know where you came from?

This isn't right.

Oh but it is

What will you do with them?

You will see

Don't hurt them.

We won't. Now, go get them.

Dawn took a deep breath as she walked back out of the Asylum. A plan already forming in her mind.

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