Get Out

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Peter rubbed his eyes, not realising where he was. He stood up and walked around, trying to figure it out.

"Just sit down, Parker." A voice came from, a cell next to him?

"Mr. Stark? Is that you?" He asked going up to the iron bars.

"No kid, it's the tooth fairy." He said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark." Peter said apoplectically. "I wasn't sure if it was you."

"It's fine, kid." Tony replied, dismissing his words. "You see the mess you girlfriend got us in?"

"Yes sir. Ex though."

"Doesn't matter."

It was silent, both lost in their own thoughts. What would Peter tell Aunt May?

Alarms came from the corridor and then a bing on Peter's door flung it open.

"Come on." A voice yelled dragging Peter's hand as they went to unlock Tony.

Peter squinted to try and see who it was. "Dawn?" He asked.

She stopped to turn and smile at him. "Hey, Pete."

A Blank Canvas (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now