9: Parts of the past

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~August 11th 05:30~

It was early in the morning. Most soldiers were still asleep and would wake up in about half an hour. I sighed and I got out of bed. I grabbed my uniform and I went to my bathroom.

Once I was done showering and putting on my clothes, I walked to the cafeteria to get breakfast. I got my croissant with jam and my coffee and I took it to the office.

I sat down at my desk and I started working on blueprints for a robotic exoskeleton for myself. I took a sip of my coffee when I suddenly all I was able to see was black...

"Mother? Father? Brother? Are any of you there?" A scared voice with a thick Norwegian accent called out.

'That voice is so familiar...'

I tried to say something, but my body didn't allow me to. Then a door opened sending light into the room.

In the middle of the room there was a little girl of maybe eight years old tied up in a chair. The girl had h/c hair up in horns and grey eyes.

'That is me! I remember this!'

That's when a man in a green uniform stepped into the room "Look what we've got here! On of the two children of the Red leader himself! The boy escaped, but who cares," The man chuckled deeply.

"W-who are you!? And w-where am I!?" The younger me asked as she tugged on her restraints.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I won't hurt you!... If you obey my orders, that is," The man said with a grin.

Younger me seemed to have gathered her confidence, now ready to release the annoying side "You didn't answer my questions mister weirdo," She chirped and the man grunted in annoyance at this.

"Fine, to answer your first question; I am Green leader and for your second one you are in my base," Green leader spoke in an annoyed tone. He seemed to already be done with my shit.

Younger me got a mischievous smirk on her face as the mischief gleemed in her eyes "Can I call you Bertha?" She asked.
"What? No!" Green leader said

"OH! OH! How about-" "SHUT UP!" Green leader cut younger me off and younger me giggled at this "Then what do I call you?" She asked as she looked around a bit.

"Just call me Green," Green leader said annoyed, completely done with younger me's bullshit.

Younger me smiled at this and hummed "Sure thing, Green! So... What are you gonna do with me?" Younger me asked in a high pitch tone.

"Experiment! Maybe train you and even raise you! I've always wanted a child!" Green leader chirped.

"You'll become my strongest soldier!" Green leader boomed. Younger me smirked, getting an idea.
"Cool! I was tired of my own family anyways! They're always making me do stuff, "Y/n do this, Y/n do that," so annoying!" Younger me said.

I chuckled to myself  realizing how fucking dumb that was. Green leader looked at my younger self in disbelief "Really?" He asked.

"Yes, could you now please untie me? Cause these ropes are hurting me," Younger me said and Green leader did what I asked

He looked at young me expecting me to fight, but she just stood there waiting for him to say something "Are you gonna show me around or what?" Young me asked

"Ah, Uhm, yes of course," Green leader said and he showed young me all around his base. After what felt like hours young me and Green stopped in front of the lab.

"What are we doing here?" Young me asked.
"Experiments," Green replied. Young me nodded and entered the room 

"What kind of experiments?" Young me asked
"We're gonna give you super intelligence, strength, stealth and vision," Green said

Younger me nodded again and they started injecting younger me with some liquids "You'll get the final injection later," Green said an he took me to a training area.

Young me started training with Green and Green genuinely smiled at me.

The scene faded to another scene. I looked at the new scene before me.

It was young me sneaking into the communication centre and stealing a phone.

'This was three months after I was taken'

Young me ran to her room and she called young Tord.
"Hello?" The young Tord asked
"Tord! I don't have much time to talk! Warn mother and father! The Green army will atcack our base today and try to kill them! They have taken me and experimented on me but I am okay!" Young me said.

"But Y/n! Where are you!? We can save you! And-"" no no! I can save myself! Now warn mother and father! I need to go! Someone is coming! Bye! See you soon," Young me said and she hung up and hid the phone.

Green enters the room and he looked at Younger me "How are you?" He asked.
"I don't know sir. I think I am okay... Just feeling a little dizzy," Young me said.

"That's okay... Do you want to come with us to the Red base to get rid of your old family," Green asked, grinning a lot.
"Yes please!" Young me exclaimed 
"Good! Grab your guns cause we're leaving," Green said and he left

Young me smirked darkly and the scene faded to another scene.

The new scene had the battle field.

"How!? How did they know we were coming!?" Green exclaimed
"I have no idea sir!" young me said holding a gun.
Young me was standing at the front of the troops next to Green, who was leading the attack.

"What have you done to our daughter!?" My mother exclaimed. I knew now and back then that she was just acting.

Green chuckled deeply "Not much... She joined me herself... Why don't you show them, dear?" Green said.
"With pleasure!" Young me said and she loaded her gun and aimed at my parents.

The whole battle field is quiet

"Goodnight~" Young me purred. Then to everyone's surprise young me spun around and shot green in the chest. Everyone stared in shock as Green fell to the ground.

Soon gun shots were heard again and the green army started retreating due to their leader being down. After a couple of minutes the ground is full of blood and the green army is gone.

My mother ran to my younger self "Never! Ever scare us like that again! But you did good!" My mother says to my younger self

"Thank you mother," young me said, smiling proudly, and the scene faded away.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was back in my office with my head on the desk. I groaned and sat up right.

'What time is it?'

I checked the clock and saw it was already 09:00. I got up to check on Edd, Matt and Tom's training session.

'Why did I have that particular vision? And why today?'

I shrugged it off and went to the training area, finishig my breakfast quickly.

'This is all so confusing'

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