12: Traitor!

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~three days later, August 18th 14:15~


I was getting a bad feeling about a soldier. Her name was Hannah Jinx and she kept on talking to Edd, Matt and Tom. I could see that Tom is also weary about her.

I'd been sitting in the office when Tord walked  in "Aren't you supposed to be at the lab for a check up on your arm?" I asked.
"I just finished that, but I wanted to tell you that I'm suspicious about that soldier Hannah," Tord said

"Me too... She keeps on talking to the guys and she avoids us like the plague," I said.
"That's not all... Some soldiers reported to me that they heard her talking to someone in her room," Tord said and I immediately knew something was terribly wrong.

"We need to talk to her NOW," I say and I move to intercom.
"Attention all soldiers, if you see soldier Hannah Jinx bring her to the red leaders' office please. Don't let her get away" I said and I turned off the intercom.

I looked at Tord and he looked back before sitting down at his desk.


I'd been walking through the halls when I heard an announcement through the intercom. The moment I heard Hannah, something just clicked into place.

'I fucking knew it!'

I heard gunshots further down the hall and some yelling. I ran that way and spotted Hannah shooting at two other soldiers, Pau and Pat, I thought their names were.

I growled a bit and pinned her to the wall "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" She snarled at me, trying to kick me.

"Stopping you. I don't know what your intentions are, but you need to stay away from me and my friends," I growled as I flung her across the hall.

She landed on her back and struggled to get up. Pau and Pat thanked me as they went and picked her up.

They dragged her away as she screamed and struggled against their grip. I flipped her the bird before walking off.

'No one else is hurting us. Not on my watch'


After about ten minutes of our announcement there was a knock on our door.
"Come in," Tord said and Pau and Pat entered, holding Hannah, who was trashing around.

"We caught her trying to get out of the base," Pau said as he held her.
"She tried shooting us, but we got her after Thomas helped a bit," Pat said with a sigh.

"Very well... We'd like to talk to her," I said and Pau and Pat nodded and left us alone with Hannah. Tord and I both looked at her with stern looks.

"Spill the beans before we make you," I said, not takingmy eyes off of Hannah.
"Never." Hannah hissed back as she backed away while standing in a defense position as if she was expecting a fight.

"Just tell us for who you work and what they want and you'll get a less harsh punishment," Tord said.
"I won't say a word to you," Hannah growled.

Tord and I look at each other before looking back at Hannah "Very well then," I said and I called Pau and Pat back into the room.

"Bring her to torture room," I said, dismissing them with a wave of his hand, and look at Tord.

"I'll get the anwers from her and you stay here," I said. Tord nodded and I weny to the torture room to get answers.


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