Chapter 4

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            From: Alice Lewis

                        Yes I *instert 10 whale emojis here* be your friend. Good morning!

            You may be wondering why she texted me that.. well the night before I sent her a text that has a whale figure asking her if she whale be my friend and she replied that. I found it adorable. I mean based on the stories I hear, Alice wasn't exactly the expressive and friendly kind of person. So for her to text me that, that was something. I got up and excitedly got ready for school.

            To: Alice Lewis

                        Then we're whale friends now!! :) morning sunshine, rise and shine! :)

            I texted her before I went down and had breakfast with my family. Mom asked me again if I was dating someone and I said that I wasn't, she then said she knew someone but I told her that I wasn't interested and I actually have a crush on someone so she just told me to be careful and let it go. I went to school a little bit early today since I read Alice's tweet that she was on her way to school, I hurried and made sure that we would enter school grounds at the same time. When I went down of my car I saw Alice and her sister walking down their car. I then hurried to the entrance and when I was sure that we would enter the same time, I slowed down and acted like everything was coincidence. My plan worked and we bumped into each other on our way in.

            "Good Morning Alice and Carrie. Hope you have a good day" I said to her giving her my most charming smile. Her little sister, Carrie, just smiled and walked to the other building where her classrooms were located. I then looked at Alice and I swear I saw her blush before she said "Good morning. I hope you do too." I then asked her if I could walk her to her locker, only a few were here and most of the people around were the good girls and not the gossip queens, she said yes and I walked her to her locker, waited for her to grab her books and actually walked her to class. We were having small talks and she shared to me that her dad and mom were thankful that someone was actually nice enough to bring her home considering that it was already late. I was comfortable around her even though we've only been friends for what 4 or 5 days. She was easy to get along with.

            "I'll see you around Alice. Have a good day and I'll text you later. Bye." I said to her, she smiled and nodded and walked into her room. I then went to my room, there I found Haley. "I thought you said you have already moved on from your little infatuation with that junior, then why did you do what you did this morning? And the walking to locker, class blah blah, plus the smile that reaches your ear? Care to explain or you can just admit that you owe me. Either way I'm fine." She said teasingly.

            "Fine Hale. I owe you. Now go and check up on Jessy." I replied. "Nah, she's not going to school today, said she wasn't feeling well." Ohh so that's why Haley seemed different. She was worried about Jessy and I'm pretty sure that she would do anything just to be with her right now. They weren't official yet but they acted like a couple already. I would've suggested covering up for her if she decides to go but with Jessy's parents it's impossible for her to even take a step in their backyard. Jessy was bisexual and her parents does not approve of that. Since she was a freshman, pretty young, she obeys her parents. Her very strict parents. Haley and Jessy sneaks around all the time, I hope by the time they graduate college and they are still together, they'll overcome this and start being free with their relationship. I envy them they have a love so strong and real that I don't see anything breaking it. Haley was a good person, and so was Jessy. I'm jealous of them but I'm really happy for them too.

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