Draco and the Toaster Incident

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A/N: For those of you who do not remember, in The Proposal, I mentioned a little thing about never trusting Draco with toasters. This is why. Dedicated to thestatic11. I gave you the shortened version, here's the actual thing 😂😂 Uh, proper oneshots will be happening again from tomorrow onward. My writing doesn't want to be serious or last more than half a page and less rn XD Enjoy, comment and vote!

Draco slipped his arms around Harry's waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Morning." He hummed. Harry grinned and twisted around for a proper kiss. "Morning." He replied. Draco smushed his head on top of Harry's. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously. "Making breakfast." Harry said. "But I'm not very good at cooking." He admitted sheepishly. Draco snorted and eyed the bacon Harry was cooking dubiously. Guessing they were done, Harry flipped the slices of bacon onto a plate. He moved on and popped two slices of toast into the toaster.

Draco straightened up, a frown etching itself onto his features. "I thought you didn't have any pets." He said. Harry looked up at him in confusion. (I AM CONFUSION.) "I don't." He replied hesitantly. "But you just fed the silver thing!" Draco protested. Harry looked from him to the toaster back to him. "It's a toaster." He explained. Draco rolled his eyes. "I don't care what type of animal it is. You said you didn't have any pets!" Harry stared at him in disbelief. "But...It's not a pet. It's a toaster." He said almost despairingly. He leaned over and held up the cord to the plug. "It's electric. Electricity goes through here into the toaster." Draco stepped back from him in horror. "You torture it?!" He whisper gasped. Harry was extremely bewildered right now. "What? No, it's not a-" "How could you?! It's poor tail! You're elecktriciting it!" Harry was stumped for a moment. "Electrocuting?" He asked. What happened next, he could not have predicted.

"I'll save you!" Draco shrieked. Before Harry realised what was happening, Draco had lunged for the toaster. He grabbed it and threw it away from the counter, yelling "be free!" But, it was still plugged in, so it didn't go very far in its new found freedom. It fell into the sink filled with water. Harry's eyes widened and he began to yell "no!" before sparks fizzled and a loud pop caused them to duck and cover their ears. Harry stood up slowly from his crouch and gaped at his now dead kitchen appliances. Draco stood up too, completely oblivious to what he'd done. "You've killed my kitchen." Harry whispered in horror. Draco looked around in confusion. "I did?"

Fifteen minutes later, the two sat across from each other at the kitchen table. "I don't really like-" Draco began hesitantly. "Shut up. And eat your Coco Pops."

Draco was shunned for the rest of the day.

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