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Hi! I went rooting through my huge Box of Papers, filled with drawings and stories and whatnot, searching for a story I still liked and hadn't posted yet. And I found one! Yay! This is half proofread by meowdrarry, thanks for that love XD. So, here you go. Might be a bit too long, apologies. Please enjoy, vote and comment. X

"Expelliarmus!" "Avada Kadavra!" Two blinding bursts of light erupted from the battling wands. Green and red filled the room, making the students and teachers around the edge of the Great Hall close their eyes. The burst of light seemed to last an eternity. With cried from both Harry and Voldemort, the bright streams of light winked out of existence. When the students opened their eyes and blinked away the spots clouding their vision they saw Harry lying amongst the rubble of the Hall. Voldemort was no where to be seen. Ron and Hermione pushed through the bewildered crowd.

"Harry!" Hermione cried desperately. Tears spilled down her dust and dirt streaked cheeks. She fell to her knees beside Harry's unmoving body as Ron halted behind her, staring at his best friend in horror. "No..." he croaked. He was as disheveled as Hermione; his face was covered in scratches and his clothes were torn and dirty. The disbelieving crowd surrounded the trio. Many were crying. Hermione's hands hovered hesitantly over Harry's body. They trembled violently. "Harry..." she whispered.

A groan replied to her broken hearted plea. Harry stirred and raised himself up on to his elbows. "Wha?" He groaned groggily. Hermione shrieked and threw herself at him. Her arms wrapped around his neck like a boa constrictor ensnaring it's prey, never to let go. As she sobbed into his neck, the crowd exploded into a hive of activity around them as people cheered, hugged their loved ones and celebrated the end of the Battle, the end of the War and the end of Voldemort. Ron crumpled to the ground in relief. "You're ok! Bloody hell mate, you scared the life out of us!" He exclaimed. Hermione half laughed and half sobbed as she wailed, "You're ok!". Harry patted her back awkwardly. "Uh, yes, I am." She hiccuped and pulled back from him, beaming a watery smiled at him. Harry smiled back tentatively. "You did it!" Ron cried joyously. Harry smiled at him too. "What did I do?" Ron shook his head, grinning from ear to ear. "Shove off mate." Harry tilted his head. "What?" Hermione shook her head fiercely, Brown hair flying everywhere. "Oh Harry! We won! You won! Oh, well done!"

Harry gazed at her, almost fearfully. "How do you know my name? Who are you?" He glanced around in fear. "What's going on?" Hermione dropped her arms heavily as if they were made of lead when he began to try and frantically tug himself out of her grasp. He scrambled up off the ground. His green eyes were wide, panic beginning to take over. "What's happening? Who are all these people?! How do you know me?!" He demanded. Confused silence began to descend slowly upon the cheerful crowd. "Harry?" Someone called out. He began to back away, but people surrounded him on either side. He glanced around wildly like a caged animal. "Get away from me!" He cried, starting to get hysterical. "Harry!" Hermione cried. "Harry, calm down!"

McGonagall stepped out from between some startled sixth years, holding her wand aloft grimly. "Mr. Potter, please calm yourself." Harry stared at her suspiciously. "What's that? What are you doing?" She stared at him, a flicker of despair flashing across her features. "I'm so sorry." She whispered. "Stupefy."
One year later.

"Hello, welcome to the Ol' Bean! What would you like today?" The woman smiled at him. "Vanilla latte, please." Harry smiled at her. "Sure! Small, tall?" "Small please." She replied. He hustled around behind the counter making her drink. "Name?" He asked brightly. "Hermione." Harry frowned in concentration as he wrote on the plastic cup in bright purple sharpie. He handed her the cup, no recognition in his eyes as he smiled at her. "Here you go. Enjoy!" "Thank you." Hermione called out as she walked out of the small coffee shop. Ron stood beside the shop, waiting anxiously. "Anything?" He asked hopefully. She shook her head. "No." She whispered. He sighed and pulled her into a comforting hug. "It'll be ok Mione. He'll get his memories back soon." He reassured her. She pulled away from him with an aggravated sigh. "It's been nearly a year, Ron. And there is still nothing." He sighed in frustration, running a hand through his red hair. "Well, there's not much I can do about that Hermione." He snapped. Before the conversation disintegrated into another argument, Ron's attention was dragged elsewhere. "What the bloody hell is Malfoy doing here?!" Hermione spun around to see a familiar blond head disappearing into the coffee shop. "Oh no."

Draco eyed the other customers warily, his nose wrinkling at the aroma of coffee beans that filled the small shop. In front of him a line of customers waited to be served by the friendly barista and owner, implying how popular the coffee shop actually was. He stepped into the line and watched as Granger and the Weasel  practically fell over each other to scurry inside. He rolled his eyes disdainfully. They hovered near the door, watching him uncertainly. "Hi, welcome to the Ol' Bean. What would you like?" Draco trained his eyes on the boy in front of him. "Hello Potter." He drawled. Harry gazed at him blankly. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asked politely. So the rumours are true, Draco mused. Behind him, he heard Granger's sharp intake of breath.

"We went to school together, I'm not surprised you don't remember me. We weren't exactly in the same friend group." He said smoothly. Harry grinned slightly, a knowing look dawning upon his face. "Oh, you went to St. Brutus' too?" He scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, I must've taken too many hits off the cane, those years are a bit of a blur." He laughed slightly. Draco chuckled, playing along. "Yeah she could really hit you hard. Cup of earl grey please." Harry beamed at him. "To go?" "No thanks."

When he sat down in an unoccupied booth, throwing his jacket delicately across the table, a few minutes later Hermione and Ron slid into the same booth across from him. "What are you playing at?" Ron hissed. Draco rolled his eyes at him. "Relax Weasel. I just wanted to see if the rumours were true." "Well, they are, you've seen it. Go away." Ron fumed, his ears turning as red as his hair. "No." Ron narrowed his eyes and began to stand up. Hermione grabbed his arm and stared at Draco pleadingly. "Please, don't cause trouble. We've managed to leave him along, because it's best for him. So don't hurt him." Her voice trembled but she glared at him fiercely. "You say that as if he's going to stay!" Ron cried. Draco ignored him. "I don't intend on hurting him." He replied smoothly. "What do you intend to do?" Ron spat out. "Is there a problem here?"

Harry stood there, a frown marring his usually happy face. Ron stared at him, speech less. "Harry we were just-" "I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Ron gaped at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish. Hermione nodded silently and dragged Ron out of the booth. "Sorry." She whispered. Harry turned to a shocked Draco. "Are you ok?" When he nodded, Harry grinned. "Good." Draco stood up, grabbing his coat. I've seen that the rumours are true. I should leave, he thought. "You're leaving?" Draco looked up to see Harry staring at him, a strange expression on his face. "Yeah. Have to get to work." Harry nodded absently. He pulled a piece of paper out of his apron pocket, fiddling with it before handing it out to Draco who took it curiously. "If you ever want to catch up." Draco only had time to glance down at the numbers on the paper before Harry walked away, leaving him gaping at his retreating back.

This wasn't actually as long as I expected it to be. Yay. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Again, please comment and vote. It's been a horrible day, the bus was late, it's raining and now I'm soaked. At least I could update today! Xx

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