Chapter Sixteen

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Leia ended up staying with Bobby when the boys headed out again. She really missed them, since it had been a little over a month since she had talked to them. They didn't call often, and she was never the one to pick up the phone when they did call. Although she had some experience fighting, she was still sort of a liability since she couldn't shoot a gun at all, and was an even worse marksman when she actually was able to shoot the gun.

She mainly spent her time translating things with Bobby and taking care of him. He actually was able to get more food than just sandwiches and whiskey with her around.

Currently she was in the kitchen making macaroni and cheese with bacon in it, singing Bright by Echosmith a little loudly. (A/N: Sydney Sierota is sort of Leia's singing voice claim. I haven't found anybody close to what I'm imagining, but Sydney is the closest I've gotten so far. The particular song Leia is singing is above.) She was still trying to keep the noise level to a minimum, since the last time she checked on Bobby, he was asleep in the chair behind his desk, head resting on a book in front of him. He had been helping Rufus out with a case, and he was exhausted.

"I think you and the moon and Neptune got it right, cause now I'm shining bright~" Leia sang, holding the spoon she was stirring with like a microphone. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door.

"Coming!" said Leia, putting down the spoon and turning down the heat on the stove. She went to the door and opened it, the sheriff of Sioux Falls standing on the doorstep.

"Hey Sheriff Jody, how are you?" asked Leia.

"I'm doing alright. Is Bobby home?" she asked.

"He's asleep right now. Do you want me to wake him up for you?"

"Nah, just tell him I stopped by. How are you holding up, taking care of this old drunk?" said Jody.

"It's easier than you think, and he's been drinking a little less. Probably because I made him the promise that I wouldn't practice taekwondo in the house again if he drank a little less."

Jody laughed. "Well, I'm glad you're doing okay. Don't forget to tell him I stopped by, okay?" She began walking down the steps that led to the front door.

"I won't!" Leia called after her, "See you later!"

Jody waved, got in her police car, and drove off.

Once Leia shut the door, she heard Bobby call for her from the living room. After checking that the mac and cheese was done, she brought a bowlful to Bobby, handing him a spoon.

"Hey Bobby, how long have you been up?" she said, going to sit down on her favorite spot on the couch.

"Ever since you started singing that song." Leia blushed. "What did Jody want?" he asked.

"She didn't say. She just told me to tell you that she stopped by." said Leia.

"Huh." said Bobby, starting to eat the macaroni. He swallowed the first bite.

"This is really good. Thanks." he said, turning back to his work, setting the bowl down to one side.

"Half of that bowl better be gone in the next thirty minutes, or I might just decide to practice my Triple Aero Kicks." she threatened lightly, going into the kitchen to get herself some.

All of a sudden, the phone rang.

"I'll get it!"called Leia, picking up the phone. "Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Leia?" asked Sam.

"Sam! It's good to hear from you. How ya been?" she said, leaning against the counter, cradling the phone between her head and shoulder, a bowl of macaroni and cheese in her hands.

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