Six.......Quiet Household

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I was walking in an aisle, my dad walking hand in hand with me. I looked down and I was wearing a wedding dress.

We stopped and I looked ahead. Ansel and Brayden were dressed in matching suits.

"You don't love me.", Brayden said.
"You're a hypocrite.", Ansel said.

"If you did you would look for me.", Brayden said again.
"You married me for my money.", Ansel said.

"You don't love me.", they both said. And they continued and continued and continued.

I heard a beep, which woke me up. I was dreaming. I rubbed my hands all over my face.

I looked to my side, a habit that was now regular. But for the first time, since I had married him, his part of the bed was smooth, untouched.

Then the events of yesterday flooded in. I remembered kind of crying myself to sleep.

I bathed and wore a casual purple shirt on black jeans. I slipped on my flip-flops and tiredly went downstairs.

When I arrived, I saw Ansel and Nicola talking in hushed tones and CJ washing his dish.

Nicola turned and so did Ansel. He looked at me and the words he had said came flooding in. His eyes held no emotion.

As for me, I was tired, too tired to even cast him a glare. The dream set me in a tired mood. I looked away and went to sit down.

"CJ I want black coffee.", I said quietly. I looked down at the design on the table mat. The chair screeched, but I didn't look up, knowing it would be Ansel.

CJ dropped the coffee and left, leaving me alone with Nicola.
"My dear you look sick.", she said and touched my cheek. "Are you well, is something..."

She stopped when I pulled away.
"I have to tell you...."
"That you don't love Ansel.", she said and I looked at her.

A simple reply couldn't form, I don't know why, but I nodded.
"Oh dear, I won't say I understand, because I don't.", she paused.

"He told me everything, about your, sorry to say, your boyfriend.", she said.
"Nicola I'm not..."

"Look, I know what Ansel said, and I almost wanted to slap him, but he is sorry."
"Nah. I don't believe that.", I shook my head.

"No honestly, he is sorry."
"Then why doesn't he look sorry?", I asked remembering his expressionless face when I saw him this morning.

"Well, you also hurt him. When you argue with him, pointlessly.", she said and I rubbed my hands.

I sipped the black coffee and the bitter taste made me scrunch my face a bit.

"Yeah, I think I've noticed that too.", I said.
"So he's not at fault entirely.", she said and I sighed.

"The things he said yesterday made me cry, for the first time since my father had slapped me, which is a long story. And that was years ago. Nicola, he hurt me badly. Now I know I have been very unfair, but did I deserve for him to say all those...." I stopped myself as I felt my eyes water.

A tear ran down my cheek.
"Oh dear, you honestly didn't.", she said and cleaned the tear, but that act alone resulted in more tears.

She must have noticed that as she immediately enveloped me in a hug and I burst into silent sobs. Something about her was mother-like. It made me think about my mum and I couldn't hold it anymore.

The tears came pouring out and so did the memories, the thoughts, the truths. That I had lost Brayden, I had never seen my mum, not even in a dream cause I don't know what she looks like. The fact that I am in a way similar to Theresa.

A hypocrite.

It was now evening and I was watching a Spanish soap opera with Nicola, we were both snuggling into the couch.

She had managed to calm me down, then she gave me food. She listened to me as I said all my memories of Brayden, all the memories I wished I would have had with my mum if she had lived. How my life would be without Theresa and so many pent-up feelings I had?

She laughed at what a funny character just did, I managed to crack a smile. I looked at her and she looked back at me.

"Thank you for all you did today.", I said.
"I'm glad I was the one to help you. And don't you worry, I'll make sure, those memories you wished for, for you and your mum. I would make sure they come true. Just tell me whenever you're free and I'll be ready.", she said and I hugged her.

We stayed like that till the end of the soap, and I decided to tune in to Telemundo. Imagine my luck when they were showing my favourite, Behind Closed Doors

I started to explain the whole plot down to where we were. She quickly caught up and we ended up watching all the past week's episodes.

Monday was a day off for me, for everyone. It was the remembrance of one of our best workers who died in an aeroplane accident. So we weren't expected to come today or tomorrow.

Some would go to his burial ground and have a remembrance, some would go to the church. I would normally go to the church but I said a short prayer instead.

Today again, Ansel hadn't slept in the room, leaving me to wonder if he was even in the house at all.

I went downstairs, and I saw CJ as usual, in the kitchen, she was reading a novel, but sensed my presence as she looked up.

"Ma'am, aren't you..", she stopped to look at the wall clock. "Aren't you going to work, time is far spent?", she asked.

"Not today, not tomorrow. It's a burial anniversary, so to pay our respects, we have a two day off, mandatory.", I said.

"Oh. Well would you like to have breakfast?", she asked.
"Yes please, I am starving.", I said and sighed deeply as I sat down.

She came back with my dish. "You seem in a better mood. Pardon me asking but has the issue between you and the young master been solved?", she asked.

"Not really, I'm just not in the mood of yesterday.", I said.
"Well that's good 'cause I didn't like that mood, it just seemed so sad.", she said.

"Yeah. Anyways have you seen Ansel, I haven't seen him since yesterday morning?", I asked.

"Well, I don't know, he leaves early and comes back late, after you've retired for bed. Whenever I ask, he says it's work. I feel he's over-stressing himself. Maybe you could, you know talk to him.", she suggested.

"That's if I even see him in the first place.", I said. When I was done she washed my dish and I went upstairs and took a nap, a well-needed one. 

This chapter is not as long as it was meant to be, but not to worry, something is exciting in the next.

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The Sparkling Authoress

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