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Please don't wake me up, I feel like I'm dreaming.
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I was up all night but it was hardly my first rodeo, so I made a cup of strong coffee and read some Fitzgerald, sitting on my bed. Georgia didn't need me at work so I decided to treat myself by ordering some take out and enjoying it on the roof. I didn't want to go out today. Large crowds of people make me anxious and it being a Sunday, there were a lot of people outside, enjoying the sun. I buried myself in The Great Gatsby instead. Then I watched a documentary on Ted Bundy. Just as I made my second pack of popcorn, someone knocked on my door. I wondered who that might be, I wasn't expecting anyone. I walked over and opened the door, my eyes gazing upon my pretty neighbor.

"Hey." He greeted me with a small grin, wearing a nice silver chain that went great with his mustard yellow t-shirt and black sweats.

"Hi." I kind of froze again. Being awkward around guys was nothing new for me. When I met Carter I was shaking like I just got electrocuted. Unlike most guys he liked my awkwardness. I imagine that girl in Rakim's apartment last night was nothing like me.

"How you doin'?" He asked, his hands stuck in his pockets.

"A little tired but I'm fine. Is there anything you need?" I asked, not meaning to be rude.

"Nah, I just wanted to say sorry for last night, you clearly needed someone to talk to and..."

I cut him off. "Don't go there. I had no right disturbing you, so I apologize."

"It's cool. Just, you don't know anyone else here and I could've at least taken a minute." He said. I found it very sweet.

"You didn't have to do anything, I was just waking up from a bad dream and I got a little hasty, it's okay." I tried telling him he doesn't owe me anything.

"Still. I actually came by to see if you maybe wanted to grab a bite or something." He smiled carefully.

"Oh, uhm... I was going to order some take out and go upstairs." I said.

"Alright. Hit me up if you want some company." He said and started walking to his apartment. Before entering he turned around one last time. "You know where to find me."
Then he went in and I shut my door.
Maybe I was a bit rude to him, he was just trying to help. It was obvious I was avoiding conversing with anyone for that matter; but maybe I should talk to someone.

An hour passed and I was still thinking about Rakim. He's been nothing but sweet, which he didn't have to be. I just don't want him to get the wrong impression because I am in no mental or emotional state to start anything with anyone, not just him. Judging by the girl in his apartment last night, he has no wrong impressions to get, he has a girlfriend or whatever she is. After a while I decided that I really could use some more of his company and it's just food anyway, nothing can go wrong.

I put my loose long fit black shirt on and pulled up a pair of black tube socks. I just jumped into my zebra slippers, didn't really bother with sneakers. I let my hair fall down the way it wants to, then I headed to his door. I knocked and waited. He opened, wearing a black silky robe. My eyes widened as I sourly smiled at him, tilting my head a bit.

"Uhm, hi." I started.

"Changed your mind?" He asked, smiling.
I just nodded.

"I'd really like some takeout though." I said.

"Cool, I'm down. Come in, give me a second to put some clothes on." He let me in and walked to his bedroom, closing the door just a little.
His apartment wasn't what I expected; it was neatly tidied and twice the size of mine. He had a lot of red furniture and accessories, plus a lot of paintings and drawings hanging on the white walls. It was very beautiful, I must say. The floors were tiled and white, everything was spotless, very neat for a guy.
I took a look around then sat down on his red leather couch that was surprisingly soft.
A minute later he came out in mustard yellow sweats and a black t-shirt. This time he didn't put on the snapback and I finally saw those braids up close. He slid on his vans and walked up to me.

"Aight, now we can order. What you in the mood for?" He asked and crashed next to me on the couch, grabbing the phone off the glass table in front of us.

"Uhm, some pad thai noodles with chicken, a couple of spring rolls if you'd like to share them." I replied.

"Yeah, cool." He dialed the number and looked at me; he had this gorgeous smile the whole time, it was pretty hard to look away.
"Yeah, hi. I'd like to order, I'mma need some pad thai noodles, one chicken one beef and some spring rolls. Yeah, that's all...."

I was only watching him, trying to get a better look, now that I finally could. I noticed how clear and soft his skin was, it had a certain glow. And his complexion, just beautiful. I grew up in a mostly white neighborhood so I wasn't really used to dating anyone else, which is why I was even more mesmerized by his beauty. Pretty surreal and nothing like I've seen before.

"Okay, they said 20 minutes." He spoke.

"Alright. Do we wait here or..." I asked.

"Yeah yeah, I gave them my address. Can I offer you a drink?"

"Uhm, that would be great, thanks." I crossed my legs and leaned back. He took something from the cabinet and threw himself back next to me.

"Here." He handed me a tiny bottle of vodka, just like those we were drinking last night.

I chuckled and took it.
"A barbie bottle, awesome!" I said. "Thank you."

"Cheers!" We clinked the bottles and took a sip.

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