• seventeen •

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I can't feel my face when I'm with you, but I love it.
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"Ah!" I flinched when he started cleaning up the scratch on my cheek. It felt like someone was poking me with a needle.

"Shh, I'm sorry baby, just a little more, hold on." He said. I was forever thankful that he was so gentle.

"How bad is it?" I asked. "It feels like the grand fucking canyon."

He chuckled. "You'll be fine. I got some ointment stacked in the bathroom, I'll get it later."

"Thank you, uhhh, fuck!" I flinched again.

"There, you done." He said. "Any other cuts?"
I shook my head.

"Just this." I mumbled.

"Alright, I'll be right back." He said and went to the bathroom to get the ointment.

"What is it?" I asked. He opened it and gently rubbed some of it on the scratch.

"My grandma uses it all the time." He replied. "When I was little I busted my knees, she cleaned them up and put this on'em. I was back on my bike the next day."

I grinned at him, I loved when he told me little things about him. "Thank you sweetie." I pressed a kiss on his lips.

"Anytime, baby." He said. "Did you see who jumped you?"

"No, all I know is that they were female, two of them. It was pretty dark and I couldn't see their faces." I explained.

"What did they want? Did they rob you, take anything?"

"Nope, they didn't even touch my stuff. They just attacked me; well one of them did."

"You have any idea who would want to hurt you?" He asked but I saw he already had someone in mind.

"Nope, I don't even know anyone here, except you." I thought a bit longer. "You don't think..."

"Elise?" He asked and I nodded. "That's exactly what I think."

"But why?"

"I told you, she crazy, she don't need a reason." He reminded me.

"Oh, right." I sarcastically said.

"I'll ask around, see what's up. Don't worry. You just be careful, if you want me to walk you anywhere, give you a ride or anything, just say it." He offered but I was way too proud to accept. I did always feel safe with him but I couldn't ask that.

"I'll be fine, thank you. I'll keep my eyes open, promise." I said and smiled, then remembered I'm scarface and flinched yet again. "God, I might forget how to smile." I pouted.

"Oh, come here you." He leaned back on the couch and pulled me closer. I squeezed into a tiny ball, sitting in his lap, my head resting on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around me, holding me.

I didn't even say anything, I just lied there in his warm embrace, feeling as safe as ever. Slowly I drifted to sleep.


I woke up alone, surrounded by a hundred pillows he brought from the bedroom. I let out a careful yawn and lifted myself up. Dragging my ass to the bathroom I wanted to check the scratch. It felt a bit better and the ointment was doing it's job, but it looked terrible. I couldn't go to work looking like that, so I needed to speak to aunt Georgia as soon as possible. Rakim was nowhere to be found and she knew all about us being together, so I called her up and asked her to come over.

"Sweet Jesus on wheels! What happened to you?" She gasped when I opened the door. I signaled her to come in and tried to smile.

"It looks worse than it feels, don't worry." I said and shut the door. We went to the living room; she set her purse down and took off her blazer.

"Nice decor, he's got good taste." She added.

"Yeah, much better than mine, huh?" I joked. "Would you like some coffee? I was gonna make it for myself."

"Sure thing, sweetie." She joined me in the kitchen, making a painful face expression. "What in the world happened to you. Does it hurt?"

"Stings if I smile, so I guess that's off limits for a while." I said. "Could be much worse, I got jumped in the alley last night."

"Oh my god, by who?" She asked.

"Two women, that's about everything I know; it was pretty dark so I didn't get a good look."

"People these days. Did they mug you?"

"Nope, they just kicked the shit out of me and left this." I pointed at the scar.

"Oh, honey... I'm sorry. Did you see a doctor yet?"

"No, Rakim took care of it. Looks better than it did last night." I replied, handing her a cup of coffee. We went to take a seat on the couch.

"Your knight in shining armor, huh?" She winked at me.

"Usually I'd tell you I don't need one but, yeah... he's so handy and helpful and he knows his way around everything, I was so lost before I met him." I explained. "I don't even know how I functioned."

She chuckled. "You get used to it."

"Listen, can I take a few days off, from the counter at least... I really don't want to display my big scar and wearing a band aid would be even worse so..."

"Oh, of course sweetie! You don't have to come in at all, I got it. Just take it easy, heal, it's all good." She said, taking a sip of coffee.


"Yes, really."

"Ah, thank you so much auntie."

"No problem. Just let that handy man of yours help you." She winked, a grin on her face.

"Ugh, come on!" I narrowed my brows. Talking about anything sexual with any of my relatives is super awkward, so I avoid it at all costs. But I was always glad aunt Georgia and I are so close, she's great.

Two hours later I was lying in Rakim's bed, naked. I just got out of the shower and I turned some music on, comfortably jumping under the soft and silky covers. I drifted to sleep again, but was woken up later on, by him kissing my legs from the knees up my inner thighs. I leaned my head back and mumbled in pleasure. He didn't say anything, his arm just slid up my stomach to my neck and then back down to my boobs; grabbing them.

I let go and enjoyed every single second of it.

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