• nineteen •

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They mistook my kindness for weakness.
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"What you mean you're coming with me?" He asked me.

"You really think I'll wait here and do nothing?" I spat out but I wasn't mean to him. I was just angry at whoever is playing with me.

"What else you gonna do? Just let me handle this." He went on.

"This bitch trashed my home, she scratched my face; believe me, I am coming with you." I said and took a pair of sweats, a shirt and a hoodie out of my closet. "Call her."

I got dressed as he dialed Elise. She was of course very willing to meet him, he faked the whole conversation. We were going to her friend's place, surprising the shit out of her.

"Just don't do anything stupid, her family has a lot of connections." He warned me.

"Oh don't worry, I know exactly how to play it." I said and pulled my cell out. I played what I recorded till then, while we were walking down the street.

I know exactly how to play it.

"Nice, you gonna blackmail her?"

"What I will do is confront her nicely, hoping she admits what she's done. If I record the conversation I will always have leverage." I explained.

"But she's crazy, plus she don't care; just let me talk to her, please." He was trying to convince me.

"Look, I know you're just trying to protect me but trust me; I can take care of myself, really." We were almost at her friend's apartment where she was staying in the city.

"Alright, you're pissed and I totally get you. Just think twice before you do anything." He said and opened the building door. I nodded and followed him to the elevator.
The building was a little fancier than ours but it was still the same neighborhood.
He knocked on the door, she opened a moment later, her face expression turning from happy to irritated when she saw he wasn't alone. She tried to close the door but Rakim stopped her, pushing it back open.

"We don't want any problems, just hear us out and we'll be on our way." He said to her. She was hesitating but then gave in and let us enter. I closed the door and followed Rakim. We took a seat on the couch and she was sitting in the chair across from us, her arms and legs crossed.

"Talk. What you want?" She was giving me the stink eye, I could tell how irritated she was by my presence. I was already recording, my cell neatly hidden in my hoodie pocket.

"We're not gonna press char..." Rakim started but I wasn't having it. I was there, it was no need for him to speak for me.

"Did you attack me in the alley 2 days ago?" I asked her straight up. She opened her mouth a little and I knew she wanted to lie. "And please don't even think about making up some shitty story because a few people already confirmed you and one of your friends did it. If I remember correctly, you bragged around."

She kept looking at me with a total poker face but then finally spoke. "People talk, they also make up shit."

"Please, Elise, we're not gonna press any charges. Just tell her what you did." Rakim said to her.

"Fine. I did it, yeah. I jumped you. What you gonna do about it?" She spat out.

"Nice. Did you wreck my apartment as well or did someone do it for you?" I asked calmly.

"I didn't come near it." She refused to admit.

"You know I'll find out everything. Tell her." He spoke again.

"It was some nigga from the block." She said as if it means nothing.

"Thanks for the information." I said and pulled my cell out.

"Don't come near her or me ever again, you hear me? I ain't havin' it anymore. We were never together and it ain't gonna happen." He said, lifting himself up. "You know it, so I suggest you forget her and I even exist."

"Or what? I don't listen to anyone, especially some wack ass nigga like you." She huffed.

"Listen to me, you bitch." I got up, standing next to Rakim. "If I were you I would listen to him, or else I am taking this to the police."
I waved with my cell in the air.

"And what's this?" She chuckled arrogantly.

"This is my phone, which was recording this conversation." I played a few seconds for her to see.

"You sneaky hoe!" She cussed.

"That's right. And I don't care how much money your mommy and daddy got bitch, I know lawyers that will shred you all, so trust me when I say it, you don't wanna go there." I clenched my jaw while speaking.

She was quiet, then nodded and rolled her eyes. "Fine, you two don't exist. Now leave, my friend will be home any minute."

"With pleasure." I said and took Rakim by the hand as we walked out. My heart was thumping like crazy and at some point I thought I wouldn't be able to pull through but I did it.

"Fuck!" I quietly cussed when we got out of the building. "Feel my heart." I took his hand and put it on my chest.

"Jesus, you're scarier than most dudes I know that do this for a living, shit!" He put his arm over my shoulders.

"Shit, I need a drink. Do we have anything at home?" I asked.

"I got some Henny, that okay?"

"That's fine, yeah." I put my arm around his waist, grabbing the hem of his sweater.

"You alright baby, you're shaking?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I'm good, it's just the adrenaline rush, I feel fine tho." I assured him.

"Okay. We gonna put some more ointment on that scratch when we get home, okay?"

"Yes and thank you babe." I pouted at him. It was one of the few things I could do with my mouth.

When we got to our floor, I saw someone standing at my door; getting closer I saw Carter. Great, what the hell does he want now?

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