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They say all good boys go to heaven but bad boys bring heaven to you.
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"Aren't you going to introduce us sweetie?" She asked, looking at Rakim.

"Don't call me that." He only said and pulled me with him. We were outside before I could even say anything. He kept walking faster and faster, almost dragging me. It's like he was under a spell; he needed to get away.

"Hey, stop." I said but he wasn't listening.
"Hey!" I yelled and stopped, pulling him back.

"What?" He loudly asked.

"What the hell was that?" I wanted to know.

"Nothing, just drop it." He kept on walking.

"Hey!" I shouted. He stopped and I walked up to him. "I'm not dropping anything, especially not this. What's going on?"

He sighed loudly and I could see he knew he can't get out this time.
"That woman was my ex, okay?"

"Okay, I get it. It's never pleasant running into your exes but come on."

"She ain't as nice as she looks." He pointed out.

"Alright, but I suppose you know it's your turn now. I would very much love an explanation."

"Yeah, alright. But can we at least sit down for another drink; somewhere else of course."

"Sure, drinks are on me, pick the spot." I said and started walking. He followed me, putting my hand in his; I was really interested in what he had to say.

We went to a pub a few blocks away and took a seat at one of the booths. He ordered us drinks and I was waiting for him to tell me what the hell went down with Keisha. The woman looked quite older than us.
Rakim downed his Hennesy like it's water, then ordered another one.

"First I'd like to apologize, I shouldn't have dragged you out like a dog, just... I can't stand that woman. She's the devil in a human form, I swear."

"Okay, she seemed sweet and older than you?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Correct, she's like 50. She also used to be one of my mother's friends." He said. I opened my mouth but I didn't want to judge him; I had no right. I let him talk and explain.
He sighed again and took a sip of his drink.
"She used to come by the house with mom, they would drink some wine, play cards and talk after work, she was like an aunt to me, really."

"Okay... what happened?"

"I got home drunk one evening, mom took Tani to the ER cause she sprained her ankle and Keisha was waiting for them at our house. You can imagine what went down next."

"When was that?" I asked.

"Seven years ago, I just turned twenty."

"Jesus, so she seduced you or...?"

"Yeah, she came after me, I was in my room, lying on the bed, drunk. She made her move and I let her, I followed."

"Oh my god! Does your mom know about you two?"

He nodded. "She ain't friends with her anymore."


"You can fill in the blanks; I fell in love, head over heels." He said. "I was over at her place almost every day, I thought she loved me, thought we'd be together but that wasn't the case."

I was just quietly listening.

"She was dropping hints in front of my mother, teasing me why I keep staring at her and if I'm in love with her or something, I was nervous as hell." He took another sip. "Then one day mom caught us in my bed, from that moment on, it was over. I never saw her again."

"How come?" I asked.

"I tried calling her, the number didn't exist anymore, I went to her apartment but no one answered, ever. I even went to see her at work when mom wasn't there, nothin'. They told me she quit. She just disappeared."

"Holy shit. So I guess she's back?" I said.

"I guess so, but I don't care; I just don't wanna see her, like ever again." He shook his head. "Me and momma clashed real hard after that, she was angry with both of us, I was still blindly in love, all I did was drink, I stayed out late, she fucked my life up."

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you before, I had no right." I apologized.

"Nah, it's okay baby." He put his palm on mine and gently squeezed. "I never told this to anyone, feels like this huge weight has been lifted."

"Yeah? I'm glad. You want another drink?" I grinned.

"Nah, let's go home. I'mma take you out tomorrow, show you around and you'll get your pizza, that okay?"

"That sounds great. Come on." I said and left the money under my glass. "Let's get you to bed."

It was late when we got home and everyone was already sleeping. We were staying in Rakim's old bedroom that was now full of Tani's stuff. We cleared some space around the bed and then went to the bathroom together. Rakim was pretty quiet since we left the bar; he undressed and then signaled me to lift my arms up. He took my dress off and slowly slid the thin straps of my bra off my shoulders. I helped him and took it off, his eyes were checking every part of me, then stopping on my face, right before he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed our heated bodies together, eliminating every bit of space left. When he touched or kissed me, I always felt like I haven't seen him in a long time and we're finally reunited; I can do whatever I please, I need him.

"Come here." He slid the shower door open and led me inside, turning on the water. We kept on kissing while hot water was pouring down on us.

"I need you baby." He gently whispered between kisses. I looked up into his eyes and nodded.

"I need you too."

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