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I've been down the darkest alleys, saw the dark side of the moon, to get to you.
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It's been a few days since Tyler's birthday party and the club incident with that chick. Rakim told me her name; Elise. She's been around for a while, hustling around guys that are well off or known, which was super weird because her parents were pretty comfortable; she also lived in one of the better neighborhoods. After he explained what things are like now, she left and I actually thought she got the picture. Unfortunately I was very wrong; she just kept popping up everywhere we went, I even saw her and her friends around our building a few times.
They started hanging around my aunt's coffee shop as well. She never actually talked to me but I saw her eyeing me, checking me out. I didn't think it was a big deal but I still told Rakim about it.

We were sitting up on the roof, drinking sodas and chilling with music. I felt very comfortable talking to him about pretty much anything, it was always interesting. Seemed like he has so much wisdom and good advice to give, he's been through a lot.

"What's going on with her? Elise, I mean." I asked.

"The usual, she spoiled and don't have anything better to do. Don't really know much about her, just rumors, you know; people are talking."

"Yeah. What are the saying?" I wanted to know.

"Well she be acting out a lot, doing some crazy shit so if she bothers you, you let me know, okay?"

"Definitely. You know it's probably nothing but she has been hanging around a lot; seems like wherever I go, there she is." I told him.

He turned to me and looked at me. "She cray, so best stay away, just avoid her, don't even look at her." He said.

"Alright." I chuckled. "Didn't they ever tell you not to stick your dick in crazy?" I teased.

"Who's they?" He asked and started laughing.

"Wisdom of society, experience and all." I pouted.

"But if I conformed to society, we wouldn't be together."

I gently pushed him. "Heeey!"
He just smiled widely and pulled me in his lap.

"You're my baby." He pressed a small kiss on my lips. "And I love you."
I grinned and looked into his eyes, a little confused.

"You do?" I said after a moment of silence.

"Oh, come on, it ain't no surprise, I wouldn't be with you otherwise." He said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You ain't like Elise or any of them other hoes; you go deep with your feels and I vibe with that."

"Interesting. I know what you mean though, cause I love you as well, I just feel it. Maybe I didn't want to say it too fast, scare you or anything, but screw it; now you know my secret."

"Ohhh dang." He pouted, narrowing his brows. "I promise I won't tell." He joked, pressing smaller kisses on my face.


It was late on a Saturday and I finally got to go home. Georgia and I had a lot of work to do and I helped her sort everything out, then left her to close up. I was walking down the street, weirdly enough there weren't many people out; I stopped at the convenience store to buy some cigarettes. Before going up to Rakim's place, I stepped in the small alley behind my apartment building and lit up a cigarette. I heard some noise but I was way too tired to be alarmed, besides; I've been around a few times before and no one bothered me. I took another drag when I heard someone walk up to me. I turned around and saw this teenage girl.

"Hey, can I have one of those?" She was looking at the cigarette.

"Hey, that depends on how old you are." I was a little skeptical but she seemed nice.

"Brutal honesty?" She grinned. I nodded.
"I'm seventeen."

I was no angel or her mom so I took one from my bag and handed it to her.

"Stop while you can, it's a nasty habit." I said to her and threw mine on the floor, stepping on it.

"Thanks." She said and left. That's when it happened. Someone pushed me to the wall and I dropped my bag. I tried to see who it was but it was too dark and they had something over their face. I almost blacked out because of the adrenaline rush, I don't even know what happened. I just know that it was a woman, because I felt the fake nails when she scratched my cheek. And she wasn't alone; this other person appeared while this chick and I were on the floor, brawling. I tried my best to defend myself, then I managed to push her off me, grabbed my bag and ran into the building. I was panting like crazy, pressing the elevator button five times in one second.

"Shit." I cussed loudly before running out the elevator, heading to Rakim's door. I literally fell into his apartment, slamming the door behind me, locking it.

"Hey, what's going on?" He yelled out as he was walking to me. Then he saw me.

"Rakim." I just mumbled and fell down to the floor; I sat there, trying to chill when he noticed the blood on my face.

"Oh fuck, baby what happened to you?" He ran to me and helped me up.

"I, uhm... oh fuck. I was jumped." I stammered.

"Come on baby, let's get you cleaned up." He took my bag and led me to the couch. After seating me down he went to get some ice and his mini first aid kit.

"Fuck." I cussed again, when I touched my cheek; I flinched, it hurt.

"Don't touch that." He said and took a seat on the table in front of the couch. "You want me to take you to the doctor?"

"No, I hate hospitals. Can you just, ahh! Ouch!" It hurt even when I was talking.

"Hold still baby, this might sting a little."

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