✔️Chapter 15: I Am Your Sister

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Chapter 15: I Am Your Sister

Thursday Morning
11:57 AM
Dartwell, Virginia
Lydian's House
Lydian's POV:

I paced quietly in the living room as I waited for them to get here.

I was gonna see the brothers I haven't seen in years, well minus John.

I heard a car pull up and saw a black SUV pull into the driveway behind my Lamborghini, hey even I like some luxury items.

I sighed as I closed my eyes and waited for a few minutes as they got out of the car.

I jumped when the doorbell rang so I had to remind myself to take deep breaths as I slowly walked to the door.

I saw through the glass, which was one way, to see all 5 of them standing there, looking nervous as John stood at the head.

I slowly opened the door and stood up straight as we all stared at each other until John broke the silence "Hey Lydie"

I sent him a smile and let them all in before showing them the living room.

I sat on the love seat while they all sat on the sofa as we had a staring contest.

I noticed John's arm in a sling making me smile a little "So John, hows the elbow?"

He smiled at it his elbow "Doc says I'm 2 months ahead of schedule. I'll be back by October he says"

I nod as we sir in silence before Sean stands up making all of our eyes go to him.

Sean was the oldest of us but he looked the youngest.

He had dirty blonde hair that was slicked back as he gave off a corporate type of vibe.

I studied each of my brothers.

Michael had light brown hair and it hung around his hair as he had long hair and he gave off a more chill vibe compared to everyone else.

Then you had the twins, Daniel and Matthew.

Both guys were almost identical but I could tell them apart.

With blonde hair and their baby blue eyes, they looked like models and they gave off the player type of vibe.

Then John, was was Mr. Everything Good. Hustle. Loyalty. And respect.

"Okay I'm tired of this being awkward. It's been a long time but I'm glad I finally found you Lyd. How have you been?" He asked as he started to slowly pace as I ran my fingers through my hair.

I shrugged "Um good? Kinda you know famous professional wrestler. When Carol and John sent me to live with Tina, a lot changed. I met Vince McMahon some odd years later and he helped me get to where I am today and without him I wouldn't be anything. I do suffer from bipolar disorder if you want to know"

They all looked shocked, even Sean.

Looks like he didn't do his research very well.

"Oh and only Vince, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, AJ Lee, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Zack Ryder, Rey Mysterio and my associate know that I'm a Cena. So hi, I'm Lydian Rose Cena and I am your sister" I told them as they laughed and hugged me.

So for the next few hours we sat their and just talked about everything and joked and hung out.

I let them stay the night since I had 10 bedrooms and all the others went to bed as John hung back a little.

"So Lydian.......how come you never said anything? Like I've known you a long time know, even if you just signed with WWE, why didn't you ever say anything at all?" He asked as he leaned against the counter.

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