✔️Chapter 19: Explaining Everything, But Nothing

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Chapter 19: Explaining Everything, But Nothing

At The Gym
Same Day
Lydian's POV:

I just stared back at my boyfriend, my best friend without saying a word.

And finally, after moments of silence I nodded slowly as his face fell in disbelief once more.

"Explain. Everything right now" He ordered at me making me gap at him in shock.

Did he just order me around? Me?

I sat down on the floor as he stood above me, glaring down at me as I started to explain.

"Paul Heyman contacted me two weeks before I signed. He told me how Hunter had ruined him and his clients for the last time. He knew I was a Cena somehow, and he knew I was a hired Assassin. So I agreed. And he has been telling me the steps of the plan when I need to know. He told me he had an inside man. I can't tell you who. And I can't tell you the plan. All I can tell you is I'm gonna take down The Authority from the inside" I told him as he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"You just explained nothing you know?" He asked as he stared down at me.

I nodded "Yeah. I'm sorry"

He rolled his eyes "Yeah. So am I. I'm sorry you can't trust me enough. Your best friend. Your boyfriend. But whatever"

With those words Cody walked away making me sigh as I didn't bother to chase after him.

I knew he was right.

But I couldn't. Paul ordered me to secrecy or he would ruin me and I couldn't let that happen.

I didn't want to lose Cody, I didn't want to lose John and I didn't want to to lose Randal.........

But I knew deep down the only way to finish the Authority was to go all in  and this was going all in.

I felt tears come to my eyes as I thought about Cody leaving me forever.

I pulled out my phone and called the one person I could talk to about this.

(Bold- Lydian Rose Cena/ Lydia Rose)
(Bold and Curved- Colby Lopez/Seth Rollins)

Hey Lydia. So that didn't go very well huh?

Not at all Colby. And.....Cody heard everything

Wait, what?

Cody heard me on the phone with Paul and he heard everything. I told him Paul hired me and he had someone else working for him but I couldn't tell who or what we were going to do. And he said I didn't trust him and walked away.

I'm sorry Lydia

(Sigh) It's okay. But their is another thing. He said.....

What did he say?

He said I have to betray John and help Randy win at TLC and walk out on Phil during the match. I have to join The Authority

What the hell?! You can't! That was never apart of the plan!

I know

You know, Ambrose actually likes you. He sad you're different than those other divas.

Um ew okay. Nope. Ambrose gives me creepy vibes

(Chuckles) Yeah he can do that. So what are you gonna do about Cody?

I don't know. What should I do Colby?

Just give him some time to cool off and then try and make him understand where you are coming from. And I hate to say it, but if he doesn't understand then he's not right for you

(Slight Pause) I will, thanks Colby. You're not as much of an asshole as people say you are

Wow I feel so complimented. And you Lydian, you are just as cocky as people say but you're sweet.

Thanks. I'm gonna head to my hotel room now and think things over.

Ok, be safe. Don't get killed and for the love of god, try and stay away from Ambrose. Roman won't do anything but Dean........have you ever heard of Jon Moxley?

Woah, that's Ambrose? Seriously? Moxley is like awesome!

Yeah but he's deadly

I know

So please try and stay clear of him if me and Roman aren't there, okay?

Fine Colby. I'll try

Okay, bye Lydian

Bye Colby-Jack


*Call Ended*

I chuckled before sighing and grabbing my bag and walking past my friends.

They stared at me in confusion as I turned to them, my face clear of any emotions.

"Everyone, I want you to know you are all my friends, and no matter what happens in the next couple weeks, know I did it for a reason. Some might not agree with me, but it'll all make sense and be worth it in the end. I just hope you can forgive me" I said before walking out, not giving anyone a chance to respond.

I ran a hand through my hair before slowly making the walk down the sidewalk.

Cody was upset at me and that made me feel bad but he was right.

But he......he just doesn't get it. The Authority have been ruining Stars for a long time and they needed to be stopped and this might not be he best way but it's one of the best ways.

I had to do this, I had to.

And I hope Cody understood, but a part of me knew that he didn't and he wouldn't no matter what I say.

I love him and he's my best friend, and I never want to argue or fight with him but sometimes these things happen.

But Cody.........Cody was stubborn as a mule and I had no clue what would happen to him, us, our friendship.......

Our relationship

Word Count: 935 Words

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