Father!Max x Daughter!teen reader

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You and your other friends were parkouring on the highest building and your friends Jake, mike and Lisa were doing the same thing you heard someone's voice. It was your dad. You were afraid that you were going to be grounded and never go outside again


"Yes dad?!"

"Get the fuck down here now!"

"Sorry but I cant do that!"

"What did you said!?"

You felt alive that you disrespected your dad for the first time, You didnt want to get down but how high you were. But you didnt care. You didnt want to anyway but when your done.

"I said I cant do that dad!"

Your dad looked at you with a death glare and was about to get up there and get you himself

"You will get down now...."

"Why? it's fun!"

"Because I said so!"

"Max. Maybe your daughter is right."

"No Niki she's going to get hurt!"

"But Niki is kind of right max she's just a teen"

"Nerris I will fucking kill you if I have to"


"Yeah max is right"

"Thank you"

"Fine dad we're coming down now!"

"That's my little girl!"

You and your friends tried to get down but all you do was to parkour to get down but it took a little longer to get down. But when you got down your dad carried you home for the punishments your were going to get.

"Dad! put me down!"

"You can't make me I'm your father"


You didnt want to get punishments all you wanted to do was parkour with your friends but your mom secretly letted you go outside you kissed your mom I the cheek and said thank you to her and went out.

But you didnt tell your father. You and your mom kept it a little secret between you and her.

Olivia the wolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang