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(Part 2 to Stranger !)

"Hi," He said, a small smile tickling his lips. My mouth was gaping open in shock and Bella wore a confused look on her face, "I'm Bucky,"

Bella's own blue eyes widened and she stumbled toward him. He leaned down so he was at her height and she touched his hair with her pudgy hands, the action notably soothing him.

"You're Bucky?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper, "You're, you're my dad?"

He smiled again, a full smile this time as she dropped her hand from his head, shuffling her feet, "Yes, darling, I'm your dad,"

He put out his hand for her to shake it but she went straight for a hug, ducking her head into his chest. Although the action caught him off-guard, he wrapped his own arms around her small frame, enveloping her in his embrace, his eyes closed tight and I saw the faintest sighting of tears roll down his face.

"Please don't leave me again, dad," I heard Bella mumble and my heart shook with fear that he was leaving.

"I won't, I promise," He said softly, his voice wavering and it was crazy how assuring that small statement was for me.

The two finally dislocated and Bella had the biggest grin on her face as she turned back to me, gesturing to her father.
"Mum, look it's Bucky!" She ran back to me, tugging me by the wrist and I absent-mindedly followed. She dragged me right up to him, so there was barely an inch's space between us and he looked down at me with dazed eyes.

"So what no- He couldn't finish his sentence because I drew my hand back and captured his cheek in a painful slap.

Bucky clutched the side of his face, his mouth hanging open. I crossed my arms over my chest and heard Steve barely controlling his laughter behind me and Nat snickering. T'challa had his hand on his mouth as he tried stifling the giggles escaping his mouth.

"That was for not using protection," I stated then got on my tip toes and captured his lips in a kiss, catching him off-guard. He recovered quickly, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. I pulled away and he had a lopsided grin on his face.

"And that was for giving me the best kid in the world,"

"Alright, you two, pack up," T'challa said and I raised an eyebrow at him, "You have to leave, visiting hours are over,"

I looked at Bucky and saw his eyes widen in fear, his hand slipping around my hips again as he tugged me close. I looked back at Steve and Nat for support.

Steve sighed, "T, we talked about this,"

"Yes, and I compromised to let you visit,"

Steve pulled the king into the corner and once again, they spoke in aggressive whispers. Nothing was audible except the faint gasp of their breaths leaving their mouths. Finally, they turned back to us.

"You can go," T'challa said, his mouth a tight line and Steve bumped him by the shoulder, "You are free to go, Sergeant Barnes,"

"I think I prefer Buc-

"Just leave before I change my mind. Don't give her too much trouble or I promise, you won't be getting out next time," T'challa said firmly, squeezing Bucky's shoulder and dismissing us with a nod, the severity of his threat still lingering in the air as Natasha lead me, Bucky and Bella out, all three of us with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"Can we go eat somewhere? I'm starving?"

"You know it's kinda weird finally knowing for sure you're the father of my child, and seeing you in person again,"

"Yeah, we didn't spend much time together,"

I snorted and leaned back in my seat, "Ya think?"

He looked at me and smiled, a smile that made my heart flutter so wildly it's a wonder it didn't fly out of my chest.

He looked back at Bella through the rear view mirror, "You're even more beautiful than I could've ever imagined," he said softly and I'm pretty sure she didn't hear him, she was too busy fixing Nat's hair into two braids.

"Yeah, well she does take after you,"

"I wasn't talking about her," he said, glancing at me and holding my gaze briefly before he turned back to the road. I blushed a bright red and turned to look out the window.

This was gonna be my new life. And whether or not it worked out, I still had the two most important people in my life with me.

My daughter and her sperm donor (cue laugh track).


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