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A/N: Warning- long ass chapter but it's kinda cute, part 2?

You fiddled with the hem of the Versace gown you had on. Your mother slapped your hands away from the expensive fabric and rolled her eyes at you. You groaned, as you followed her out of the door, the uncomfortable heels on your feet clicking against the ground.

Your father took your hand in his left as he lead you to the car, your mother's elbow linked with his right arm. You sat into the corvette pulled up outside the family mansion, your butler Don, smiling at you and then closing the door for you.

"Put this on, Alina," Your mother said to you as she handed you a barrette shaped like a rose and encrusted with pure diamond.

"I don't want to," You said to her and she glared at you.

"You have to, it looks nice with the beautiful dress you are wearing,"

Your father put his hand on her shoulder, his eyes silencing her, "Leave her be, Camila, we are getting late," He said as he put on his velvet coat and sat onto the driving seat of the car. You raised an eyebrow at his behavior as Don normally drove you guys places. Your father hated driving.
Your dress swooshed against the steps of the stairs you climbed down as daintily as possible, trying to mimic your mother's incredible posture and elegance. This time you had your arm hooked around your father as your mother led the way down. They stopped at the last step and your father let go of your hand as he knocked thrice on a polished wooden door that sat ominously in front of the staircase.

A window slid open, revealing only a pair of bright green eyes and a voice slurring something in a foreign language.

"It's me, Inìgo, open up," Your father said in his demanding and clear voice. The door creaked open and a short man of sharp features yet a round and somehow threatening face stepped out.

"Ahhh yes, Inìgo! It is good to see you, old friend," The man said, an accent thick in his voice but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.

"Good to see you too, Cesario," Inìgo Gonzalez greeted his companion with a tight and brotherly hug, before both men dispatched and Cesario led them inside. As you glanced behind his head. you noticed a bar of some sorts and that other people were present in the room.
A red-haired woman, with graceful features and porcelain skin stood beside a child of beautiful, dark skin and lovely hair.

A man held the shoulders of the little girl with affection and pride and as you glanced up, you realized he was one of the most gorgeous people you had ever seen.

His eyes were the most piercing blue, the color of an ocean after a storm and his hair was long and dark, slicked back into a quiff with a few tendrils hanging dangerously off of his face. He was dressed in a satin-lined coat the colour of plums, clearly very expensive.

A slight stubble was scattered across his lower jaw making him look way more threatening that he actually was.

And wayyy more sexy.

Those beautiful eyes of his flickered toward you and held your gaze before running up and down your form. You fidgeted with your fingers, looking at your feet as heat crept up your cheeks. His jawline was sharp enough to slice you in half and god damn, you would let him slice you in half with the way he was looking you.

Sexually frustrated and annoyed you bit your lower lip, making him raise both his eyebrows unintentionally as if caught off guard. You felt the right side of your mouth go up in a small smirk and were about to take it further when a hand on the small of your back caught your attention.

You turned to see your mother smiling at you, before speaking to Cesario, "This is Alína,"

Cesario smiled at you fondly, "Of course I remember little Alína. we used to eat ice cream together remember?" You nodded your head in reply and smiled at the distant memory.

"But now me and your father are big men and unfortunately I don't get the time to do things like that with you anymore. Regardless, you have my son to help you out with that now,"
Cesario gestured for the blue eyed man to come join you guys and your eyes widened.

"Alìna, this is James, my son," Cesario introduced and you realized that 'James' was a lot taller and muscular than you'd bade him for. He looked down at you, his eyes glittering and you swore that he was smirking at you even though he wasn't. His eyes though, taunted you and you wanted to fight back but were frozen to the spot, lost in the beauty of him.

Your mother gave your back a light slap, awakening you from your daze as you stumbled forward, "Nice to meet you," You muttered through gritted teeth.

James leaned down, deliberately slow, his eyes still on you as he took your hand in his and pressed his lips to it, the kiss lingering on your skin longer than it should've as he smiled at you,
"Pleasure's all mine," he said, his voice deep and raspy.

Was it normal to want to fuck someone's voice?

You smiled a forced smile at him and batted your eyelashes mockingly. He smiled a forced smile back, his eyes though were glaring at you.

That's when it began.

Throughout the entire evening your parents chattered and drank and sang but you and James continued to tease each other. He would sometimes have an itch at the back of his neck, flexing his arms to scratch it. You would coincidentally drop your clutch, leaning down as slowly as possible to pick it back up.

The woman with the red hair was introduced to you as Amar and was James' step-mother and Cesario's second wife. Cesario and her were very much in love but that didn't really matter to you. You were about to grab a drink when you were stopped by a call of your name.

"Alína!" Cesario yelled from across the room, "C'mere!" He ushered.

You made your way to where your mother, your father, Amar and Cesario were standing along with one more person. As you neared them you realized that it was a man. He had dark skin, short cropped hair and was very attractive. Although you thought he was still not as gorgeous as James, you shot him a flirty smile.

"Alína, this is Samuel Wilson, my trusted advisor. He is a remarkable man and I'm sure he'll give you good company," Cesario introduced and you nodded your head slowly, trying to seem interested.

"Oh just Sam is fine, thank you," He grinned at you, "You wanna go dance for a while?"
You glanced across the room very quickly and noticed James staring at you with tense eyes. You stared back before turning back to Sam and smiling at him once more, "I'd love to,"

You lead him to the middle of the bar, holding the tip of his finger. You both start dancing steadily to the fast paced song playing. Sam's a great dancer and has you laughing wildly by the first minute of the song with his crude jokes. You begin sashaying your hips left to right as Sam leaps around you in a circle, hooting and wolf-whistling.

As you spin around, you look directly at James and bite your lip, flipping your hair down before bringing it back up, rolling your hips to the beat of the song. James momentarily forgets who he his, his mouth hanging open for just a fraction of a second, eyebrows furrowed before his face morphs back into his usual expression; steel blue eyes, cold against the hazel tint of your own.

You turn back to Sam and Amar claps you both on as you and him begin to salsa, feet swinging wildly from left to right. He's about to grab your hand but a force spinning you around stops him from establishing a grip.

You bump into a rock hard chest and immediately look up. James' clear blue pools stare down at you, this time his mouth going up in a full smirk. He leans down until he's at level with your ear, his breath hitting your sweet spot sending shivers down your spine.

"What's wrong, princessa?" He asks, a slight accent in his voice as purposely glides his teeth gently across your earlobe, making you squirm with pleasure.

"Nothing," you reply meekly and then clear your throat.

"Good," he says.

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