When you're drunk

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I really don't like this part but eh

You stumble your way out your bedroom and down the stairs. It's safe to say you've had a little too much of the Asgardian alcohol Thor gave you as a welcome back present. Everyone is seated comfortably on the couches, watching a movie.

Bucky is snuggled up tightly with Sharon, who he started dating after you broke up with him a few months back.

What he didn't know was that you were in love with him. Even you yourself didn't know you were in love with him until the previous day, when realization hit you painfully and hard like a solid punch to the gut.

From Hulk.

Who's wearing a glove made of cement.

Yup. It sucked, and what it did cost for you to make this shocking discovery? Oh not much you know, just your entire relationship with him, your sanity and a kiss you spotted him and Sharon sharing in the garden from the balcony of your room.

You missed him so much it was difficult to breathe. So you drowned your misery the only way you knew.

Through the art of alcohol poisoning.

It started with just three shots, a nice line-up but light enough to keep you sober. Three turned into four and four somehow turned into a whole bottle of Nat's special vodka, that she kept hidden in the corner of her kitchen. Then followed the Asgardian stuff, the bottle swinging dangerously from your hand as you made your way down the steps.

You lost your footing on the last one and fell. Hard. Everyone's attention snapped to you.

You sit up, your eyes half closed and gave them a lopsided smile from the floor.
"Hey guyyyys," You slurred, standing back up but stumbling again, "Whats upppp, mi amigos?"

Tony sighs and turns to the rest of the team, raising both his eyebrows in question. Natasha shrugs in response on behalf of everyone else and shakes her head.

"Hi, Y/N," She says to you from her seat on the carpet, in front of the television, "Uh, what-what are you doing?" She asks.

You laugh and trip your way closer, "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting wasteddddd!" You sing in response, waving the bottle above your head. It almost slips from your grasp, causing everyone to shout in alarm but you catch it, cradling it against your chest.

Natasha breathes out a sigh of relief, "And why exactly are you getting 'wasteddddd'?" She mimics and your gaze coincidentally lands on Bucky.

His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion, head titled. His eyes are concerned as he watches a sad smile makes its way onto your face.

You turn back to Natasha, "Because I'm miserable and lonely!" You giggle, "And I feel absolutely terrible about myself and to top it all of I'm in love with that guy over there! Duhhh!" You state, pointing to Bucky as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"What?" Bucky and Natasha say in unison.

"That's right!" You say as you make your way across the living to him, "I'm!in love!with you!" You say again, leaning down and booping his nose for every word, unable to hinder yourself from the words that spilled from your mouth.

"And I don't know how to stop!" You continue as you stand up and spin on your heel walking back to where you were stood before, "And it's so depressing and-and pathetic!" You say, before a toothy grin makes its way onto your face.

You take another swig from your bottle, swaying a bit, "So, if you all don't mind, I'll be making my way back to my room so I can wallow in my self pity!" You finish and turn to move back to your room but trip in your drunken state and almost fall.

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